Primary Strategy Literacy Subject Leader Meeting Session 4 March 2009 Leading on learning – making best use of Assessment for learning in Literacy
Aims To continue to support subject leaders in developing APP in your schools through consolidating your understanding of the APP process and ensuring consistency of judgements and expectations. KS1 Standards Files APP and Reading Standardisation/ Moderation
Primary Timeline For Implementation of AFL/APP
Reconceptualising assessment
APP leads to: improved understanding of National Curriculum levels; confident and accurate assessments; wider range of evidence across the full breadth of the curriculum; more ownership of responsibility for standards and pupils progress among teachers; integration of assessment with planning for teaching and learning.
How does APP support AFL? Develops understanding of progression Supports planning for learning Identifies next steps in pupils learning Informs curricular targets Supports targeted intervention
APP Self-evaluation tool
Standardisation Procedure undertaken by teachers and moderators at the start of an assessment round to ensure that all those making APP assessments: –understand and are familiar with the relevant AFs and the APP criteria –interpret and apply the criteria in line with the national standard
Moderation This is a procedure undertaken, in school and externally, after APP assessments have been made to review the accuracy and consistency of a sample of the judgements made and: EITHER Confirm that teachers/schools judgements are accurate, consistent and in line with the national standard OR Where this is not possible, recommend changes to the judgements to bring them in line with the national standard.
Standardisation or moderation? Ensures that the APP criteria are understood and can be applied consistently Gives teachers confidence that they assess to the national standard Identifies any differences in interpretations of the criteria Enables teachers to adjust their interpretation of criteria where necessary
Essential features of standardisation Based around the standards files or the training files: Read the standardisation files independently Make and record both AF and overall level judgements of the material independently Articulate reasons for judgement and discuss Compare judgements of the materials with national standards
How are you developing moderation opportunities in your school? When? How often? Who with?
Gathering Evidence for Reading
APP materials for KS1 A coherent approach through key stages 1-3 Principles and practices consistent with EYFSP Standards files show a range of evidence –applications of literacy work –what children say and do as well as record –development over time –teachers talking about significant moments –notes of significant moments 14
Using the evidence to make judgements: Reading
How might you use these in school to develop a shared understanding of what independence, choice and creativity mean in Y1 and Y2 ? –thinking independently –applying learning in a new context –making decisions –developing own ideas –working together in pairs and groups 16 KS1 Standards files for writing