Unique Capabilities – Det./Elect.Missed Opportunities – Det./Elect. Novel detectors and instrumentation for particle detection and beam diagnostics Calorimeters based on tungsten powder / scintillating fibers Cylindrical GEMs for detection of low- energy nuclear fragments Ultra-thin carbon mirrors for OTR beam monitoring Custom high-speed analog and digital circuits – pipelined readout and “smart” trigger electronics for 12 GeV detectors Insufficient level of effort/resources available to develop quickly next generation of fine- grain, high-speed, large coverture detectors – RICH, GEMs, … required by the upcoming physics trends. Test beam line – lack of desired particles, flux and kinematic conditions make “parasitic” test of detectors very inefficient & incomplete.
Unique Capabilities Radiation Detector & Imaging Group Missed Opportunities Radiation Detector & Imaging Group Design and development of novel detectors for nuclear physics, preclinical, clinical, plant biology & homeland security, 2D & 3D single photon single photon computed tomography (SPECT) positron emission tomography (PET) x-ray computed tomography (CT) Technology transfer via patents, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAS) and “work-for- other” agreements. Take natural advantage of our expertise in medical and biological applications using our expertise in nuclear physics detector technology. A limited investment in manpower or increased collaborations may give large returns both to the lab, for example, via patents, and humankind.
Unique Capabilities – Target GroupMissed Opportunities – Target Group Highly knowledgeable, skilled & motivated, High power cryogenic targets Dynamically polarized targets – ammonia & deuterated ammonia. Frozen-spin targets Undermanned – limits ability to develop, next generation of dynamically polarized targets – e.g. higher luminosity & other target materials besides NH3. technical improvements & applications, increase pump efficiency of high power cryogenic targets (> 30% losses). help develop applications of dynamic polarization to chemistry, materials & biology (
Unique Capabilities - programMissed Opportunities - program JLab unique capabilities – the highly reliable CW beam, minimal beam halo, high polarization, high current & very stable beam free of correlations has allowed to carry a long list of experiments (some considered very hard not long ago) – and many more waiting for beam Lab response to potentially high-impact experiments (great discovery potential), How/who determines “high-impact”? Does it have to wait for a PAC? How to inject in short notice a “high- impact” experiment into a long term schedule – good to prepare experiments/ complicated to change (correlated energy machine) How is the impact to the scheduled experiments taken into account?, e.g. redirection of priorities & funding at hall level, students, external funding sources,… How do large experiments requiring substantial floor time impact approval/scheduling of already approved experiments?