1.Introduction a)What is Automata b)Automaton and types of automata c)History, Turing Machine d) Why study Automata Theory e)Applications & Uses Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory 2 Automata Theory I Software for designing and checking digital circuits. Lexical analyzer of compilers. Pattern Recognition. Finding words and patterns in large bodies of text, e.g. in web pages. Verification of systems with finite number of states, e.g. communication protocols.
3 2.Mathematics a)Fundamentals of Set Theory i.Sets and subsets ii.Union A B = { x: x A or x B} iii.Intersection A B = { x: x A and x B} iv.Difference A - B = { x: x A and x B} v.Complement A = {x: x A} Automata Theory I Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory
4 vi.Properties of Set Operations Idempotency A A = A A A = A Commutativity A B = B A A B = B A Associativity (A B) C = A (B C) (A B) C = A (B C) Fundamentals of Set Theory Continued ………… Automata Theory I Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory
5 vii.DeMorgan’s Laws: A - (B C) = (A – B) (A – C) A - (B C) = (A – B) (A – C) (A B) = A B (A B) = A B Fundamentals of Set Theory Continued ………… Absorption (A B) A = A (A B) A = A Distributivity (A B) C = (A C) (B C) (A B) C = (A C) (B C) Automata Theory I Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory
6 viii.Cardinality A = number of elements in set A ix.Disjoint Sets A B = x.Power Sets 2 A, set of all subsets of A = P(A) xiCartesian Product A B = {(x, y) : x A and y B} xiiRelations S = {a,b,c,d,e} and T= {w,x,y,z}, R is a Relation on S and T = {(a,y),(c,w),(c,z),(d,y)} Fundamentals of Set Theory Continued ………… Automata Theory I Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory
7 Automata Theory I xiii.Equivalence Relation A subset R of A A if 1.(a, a) R for all a A (Reflexive) 2.If (a,b) R then (b,a) R (Symmetric) 3.If (a,b) R and (b,c) R then (a,c) R (Transitive) xiv.Partition of a Set Partition P of S is a collection of nonempty subsets {A i } of S such that 1.Each a S belongs to some A i, 2.If A i A j then A i A j = Fundamentals of Set Theory Continued ………… Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory
8 xv.Functions and kinds One-to-One (Injection) Onto(Surjection) One-to-One Onto(Bijection) Automata Theory I Fundamentals of Set Theory Continued ………… b) Induction c) Deduction d) Boolean Logic e) Graphs f) Trees Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory
9 Automata Theory I Basic Automata Concepts 3.Basic Automata Concepts a) Alphabets ( ) and power of Alphabets ( b)Strings c)Languages ( L ) a) Alphabets ( ) and power of Alphabets ( P ) Strings c)Languages ( L ), L={w * : w has some property} Kleene Star L * is set of all strings obtained from concatenating zero or more strings from L d) Grammar, G=(V,T,P,S). i.V is a set of Variables ii.T is a set of Terminal Symbols iii.P is Production Rule iv.S is a set of start Variables Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory
10 Automata Theory I Dept. of Computer Science & IT, FUUAST Automata Theory The End