azad1 Orientation to DACUM Develop A CurriculUM
azad2 WHAT IS DACUM? l An acronym for Developing A CurriculUM l A process for analysis of : u a job u an occupation u a process u a function
azad3 Who/Why Use DACUM? l Who? u Technical Educators u Business & Industry Trainers & Managers u Government & Military Agencies l Why? u Effective u Quick u Low Cost
azad4 Philosophy l Expert workers can describe and define their job more accurately than anyone else. l An effective way to define a job is to precisely identify the tasks that expert workers perform. l In order to perform tasks, certain knowledge, skills, tools and worker behaviors are required.
azad5 Key Terms l Duty - general statement of work performed l Task - specific,observable units of work l Step - detailed, procedural like activity required to perform a task
azad6 Duty l Describes a large area of work in performance terms l Serves as a title for a cluster of related tasks l Is a general, not specific, statement of work that is performed l Is a meaningful, stand alone statement without reference to a job l Usually 6 to 12 duties per job
azad7 Task l Smallest unit of work with a useful outcome l Outcome is a product, service or decision l Is an assignable unit of work l Has a definite beginning and ending point l Can be observed and measured l Can be performed independent of other task l Consists of two or more steps l Usually 6 to 20 tasks per duty
azad8 Duty & Task Relationships WholeJob Job Divided Into Duties (6-12) Job Divided Into Duties & Tasks (75-125) á á á á á á á á á á á á á á
azad9 Step l Activities required to perform the task l Is the detail of procedures l Always two or more steps per task l The Dacum panel does NOT identify steps. l Curriculum developers will develop the steps.
azad10 Task Statement Criteria l Stated in performance, DOING, terms l Has a SINGLE action verb l Includes an object that receives the action l Contains one or more qualifiers l Is “crystal” clear l Is a stand alone statement, not dependent on the duty or other tasks for meaning l Avoids references to tools, equipment and knowledge
azad11 Components of Task Statements l Verb The verb is in the first person, singular, active voice. l Object The object is the thing acted upon by the worker. l Qualifier Words or phrases used to modify, describe, clarify the statement.
azad12 Example #1 l Job Homeowner l DutyMaintain the yard l TaskMow the lawn l StepStart the mower
azad13 Other Duties l JobHomeowner l Duty l Task l Step
azad14 Example #2 l Job Homemaker l DutyPrepare meals l TaskBake Cookies l StepMix ingredients
azad15 Other Tasks l JobHomemaker l DutyPrepare meals l Task l Step
azad17 DACUM Workshop Outcomes l Precisely stated job duties and task l Lists of: –General knowledge and skills –Worker behaviors –Tools, equipment, supplies and materials –Future trends/concerns –Acronyms (optional)
azad18 DACUM Standards l All duty and task statements contain a single verb, an object and one or more qualifiers. l The same task appears only once. l Duties and tasks are logically sequenced. l There are 6 to 12 duties per job and 6 or more tasks in each duty. l Lists of knowledge, behaviors, tools and trends are developed. l A majority of the committee represents expert workers.
azad19 Workshop Ground Rules l Rank and seniority are left at the door l Everyone participates equally l Share ideas freely l Hitchhike on each other’s ideas l One person speaks at a time l Keep on track
azad20 Workshop Ground Rules l Offer constructive suggestions rather than criticism l Consider and reconsider all task and duty statements carefully l Don’t use references l Observers cannot participate l HAVE FUN!