Safe & Successful BAKE SALES Allergens— To accommodate those with food allergies, develop a written ingredient list for all baked goods
Safe & Successful BAKE SALES Cross-contamination — Wrap individual items Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces Provide trash containers Wash hands before serving items
Guidelines for Keeping Our Bake Sale Safe Thank you for agreeing to donate bake goods to our bake sale. Please be aware that there are food safety issues associated specifically with bake sales. In order to increase the success of our bake sale, please follow these recommendations when preparing, packaging, and transporting baked goods:
Guidelines for Keeping Our Bake Sale Safe Please donate only acceptable food items for the bake sale. Keeping food safe starts with clean hands. Wash hands before preparing foods for the bake sale. To accommodate those with food allergies, please provide a list of ingredients for each item donated. To reduce the risk of contamination, please individually wrap all items. Food should be tightly wrapped or sealed during transport. Food should not be transported with family pets.
Acceptable Food Items For A Bake Sale Include: Fruit pies Candy Cakes & Cookies Bread Muffins
Un-Acceptable Food Items For a Bake Sale Include: Custards & custard pies Real cream pies Jar or canned bread Home-canned goods Frostings and fillings made with cream cheese Cream-filled cupcakes or doughnuts Flavored oils Homemade ice cream Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Meringue Pies
Safe & Successful SUB & SANDWICH SALES Time-temperature — Keep food cold after purchasing and during storage and delivery Chill all sandwich ingredients before assembling As batches are assembled, place immediately into cold storage
Safe & Successful SUB & SANDWICH SALES To Avoid Cross-contamination — Assign one volunteer to one task for the duration of assembly Assemble sandwiches on clean, sanitized surfaces Use only food-grade containers Use only commercially prepared condiments
Safe & Successful HOME MEAL DELIVERIES Time-temperature — Receive hot foods at 140°F or higher and cold foods at 40°F or lower During transport, keep food out of the TDZ Record the temperature of the last meal served
Safe & Successful HOME MEAL DELIVERIES Cross-contamination— Clean and sanitize all containers used to carry, transport, or hold foods Use only food-grade containers Do not transport food with family pets
Safe & Successful HOME MEAL DELIVERIES Personal hygiene — Wash hands before transporting and delivering food Other considerations— Consider keeping a sample of the meal frozen for four weeks Consider providing proper handling instructions
Safe & Successful Fundraisers Using TEMPORARY FACILITIES Time-temperature — Minimize time food spends in the TDZ Make sure equipment is available to maintain safe holding temperatures Periodically take temperatures of foods using a calibrated thermometer