1.Federalism is the division of power between the states and the national government. 2. Federal System conducts foreign policy and regulates commerce. They can do the following: Coin money Declare war Conduct foreign relations Oversee trade Make and enforce laws Tax citizens
3. State System promotes public health, safety, and welfare. They can do the following: 4. Ratify means to approve Ratify amendments Manage public health and safety Develop educational systems Oversee intrastate trade (within the state) Make and enforce laws Tax citizens
7. First Amendment guarantees expression of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. 5. To guarantee freedom of expression means that Americans can say what they want as stated in the U.S. Constitution. 6. Criticize is to find fault with or disapprove Religion states government can not establish an official religion, people have a choice. Speech allows individuals to freely express their opinions and beliefs. Press gives media the right to gather and publish information, even if it criticizes the government. Assembly allows individuals to get together in groups peacefully. Petition allows individuals the right to make their views known to public officials.
1. Bill is a proposed law. 2. Process of making a law : 1.Bill introduced 2.Bill discussed in committee 3.Bill debated 4.Bill is voted on 5.Bill signed
3. Enforce is to make sure that rules and laws are obeyed. 4. Appoint is to name someone to an office. 5. Manage a conflict help settles problems between people peacefully.
6. Department of Defense (DOD) is in charge of keeping the nation safe. The head quarter is in the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
7. Armed Forces are the following military groups: army, navy, air force, marine corps, and coast guard. Air Force Coast Guard Army Marine Corps Navy
9. Fiscal responsibility relates to taxes and how they are spent. Government is in charge of collecting taxes to pay for services that people need. 8. Authority is the right to give orders or make decisions. Government pays for things like: public schools, roads, police stations, military, libraries…