Personalisation Sharing Coventrys Journey Mary Cooper- Purcell - ASPIRE Project Team
What this isnt….. A how to session A talk about weve got it right A lecture about what you should do A high level view of how Personalisation is interpreted and implemented Its a Manager in one Local Authority talking to Managers from another – sharing what we are learning on a common journey.
Coventrys Adult Social Care Vision We will directly support, or influence others, to enable every adult in Coventry to have the opportunity to live a fulfilling life based on their individual choices and aspirations
BROKERAGE FUNCTION Supported information; engagement; cost-effective range of options to meet outcomes that optimise choice and control; support to get services OUTCOMES MATRIX – Indicative amount identified; clarification of eligibility; financial assessment referral Information and access points Information and signposting service on internet, with assisted access points Contact Assessment Adult social care or Multi- Disciplinary Assessment, with information / signposting where appropriate Outcomes Assessment / Carers Assessment Health and Wellbeing / Choice and Control / Economic and Educational Participation / Social and Community Participation Enablement Provision of enabling service to inform assessment of longer term need Support Planning and Ongoing Support Agree Support Plan, Personal Budget and Review schedule Outcomes Review / Reassessment Review and reassess needs / outcomes Revise Support Plan / personal Budget Universal Services Targeted Universal Services Social and health care T R I G G E R E V E N T C I T I Z E N O R C A R E R
Timing Issues Comprehensive Spending Review ABC – Fundamental Service Reviews Introduction of new IT systems Tender Renewals for providers Re-alignment Management de-layering
Manager and leader Skills Experience Knowledge
Outcomes focus Enablement Support Planning Resource allocation Needs led Care Plans Personal Budget ? Single Assessment Familiar processes Familiar documents
Revisiting known areas Eligibility Risk Recording Supporting quality and consistent practice now we are working in different ways.
Learning sets with practitioners What is Personalisation and what are the drivers? Whats an outcome? – how to use an outcomes focused approach The Promoting Independence Framework Support Planning – RAS and co-production What makes an outcomes focused review The skills you have and can build upon to do this What does the actual documentation look like? – what goes where?
Im doing it already Its just another set of forms Its about getting rid of Social Workers Its about saving money I dont know what Im doing anymore Some of the responses
Keep building Supporting Managers Champions Team Meetings Supervision
Change Changing the culture is going to take time
Celebrate Success !