Biology: the science of life What is life? Freaky sea-vent worms
Growth and replication aluminum potassium sulfate crystallization What’s missing? nucleation = replication ? prions? computer algorithms
Evolution Three keys: reproduction, variation, selection Improved replicator Improved replicator Neutral variant replicator Life: Reproduction + evolution
Encapsulation and individuality Reproduction Energy and material processing (metabolism) Information storage Environmental response Implementing life (physics + chemistry)
Life elsewhere? Liquid solvent (water) Mars, Europa, Titan (methane and ethane)
Our one data point: Life on Earth
Common descent You are here Genetic and morphological evidence are consistent with all life on Earth sharing common ancestry
History of life on Earth Microscopic life dominates the history of Earth. Humans arose very recently (roughly 200,000 years ago). Do this as in-class exercise
Scales in biology
Tobacco mosaic virus 3x10 -7 m in length, 1.8x10 -8 m in width ~7x kg in mass ~6.4x10 3 bases in genome (single-strand RNA) Have them adding scales
Escherichia coli prokaryotic: no cell nucleus ~3x10 -6 m in length ~7x kg in mass ~5x10 6 base pairs in genome
Saccharomyces cerevisiae eukaryotic: cell nucleus ~5x10 -6 m in diameter ~6x kg in mass ~5x10 6 base pairs in genome
Arabidopsis thaliana multi-cellular plant ~0.2 m in height ~1.2x10 8 base pairs in genome
Drosophila melanogaster multi-cellular insect ~3x10 -7 kg in mass (dry) ~1.2x10 8 base pairs in genome
Mus musculus multi-cellular ~3.5x10 -2 kg in mass ~3.4x10 9 base pairs in genome
HeLa cell human immortal cell line ~25x10 -6 m in diameter ~3.1x10 9 base pairs in genome
Exercise: How many cells in your body? Exercise: How many bacterial cells in your gut?
Homework How far apart are proteins in E coli? How long (physically) is the human genome? How does that compare to the size of a typical cell?
Darwin: First Notebook on Transmutation of Species (1837)