Connecticut eGov Strategy Development Agency Focus Sessions Nov 16-17, 2006
Agenda Keynote – Diane S. Wallace, CIO eGov Overview – Suzanne Niedzielska Initiatives Roundtable – Steve Casey Initiatives Inventory Relevance Assessment Solutions Roundtable – Chuck Hoadley Envisioning ecommerce Steps on the way
Background What is egov? Why is it important? How is Connecticut faring? Why are we here today? What are the opportunities?
eGov Definitions Scope Leveraging Web to provide online public information, access to state services, and state revenue collection Participants Citizen to government (C2G/G2C) Government to government (G2G) Business to government (B2G/G2B)
eGov - External B2G C2G G2G Internet
eGov - Internal Intranets Agency Commission Dept
eGov Benefits External More open and transparent government Easier access to public information and state services Higher levels of public service Easier to do business with Internal All the above across governmental entities resulting in a more efficient public sector Better return on taxpayer investment
eGov Connecticut Digital States Survey 2006 – CT ranks below top 25 (Top Ten <84 0f 100) 2004 – CT ranked below top 25 Taubman Center for Public Policy 2006 – CT ranks 27 th (41.5 of 100 where #1 51.7) CT cited for consistent template 2004 – CT ranked 19th
eGov Measures Digital States Survey Implementation and adoption of suite of self- service applications Overarching policy, collaboration, and digital platform capacity IT strategy Project mgmt throughout life cycle Overarching architecture Robust infrastructure Consolidation, with or without centralization Institutionalizing Innovation People Technology Process
eGov Leadership States 2004 Differentiators CIOs with cabinet level appointments CIOs with policy making authority Enterprise IT board for setting policy and overseeing projects from start to finish “balanced” structure -centralized vs decentralized
eGov Leadership States What contributes to a “balanced structure”? Retaining internal control of core functions for maximal cost efficiencies Competent and credible service provider whose services are competitively priced and typically cost recoverable Balancing needs of the enterprise with those of agencies to act autonomously Combining public sector mission with private sector discipline
DoIT eGov Focus Sessions Objectives Progress Connecticut eGov strategy development Develop common view of eGov opportunities Inventory Connecticut eGov initiatives Assess potential for common solutions