New Commissioning Arrangements A presentation for Health and Social Services Councils Edmond McClean Area Director of Commissioning (Designate) Health & Social Services Authority March 2007
Creating a New Health and Social Care System Objectives and Outcomes: Improved performance and quality levels Enhanced user experience Improved health and well-being New integrated models of care Motivated, dynamic workforce Value for money
Creating a New Health and Social Care System New Systems: Devolved commissioning Performance management Finance Public and social health development Workforce and staff development
Creating a New Health and Social Care System Enablers: Service frameworks Strong information system Effective professional leadership New organisational arrangements Enhanced public, user and staff engagement Effective planning processes
Commissioning General Principles: Primacy of commissioning: separate from provision Devolved system: Regional standards in a local context Community focus Strong leadership and engagement Effective governance and accountability arrangements Performance and outcome focussed Capability enabled
Commissioning Organisational Arrangement: Health & Social Services Authority (HSSA) Local Commissioning Groups (7) Community Commissioning Associations Functional support to LCGs and CCAs
NHSSB = Red and green WHSSB= Purple and Pink SHSSB = Turquoise EHSSB = Blue and Yellow
A Local Commissioning Group is Committee of the HSSA with delegated power to commission services Primary care led with 15 members, two of which are lay people from the local community Leader and decision maker for commissioning health and social care services Accountable to the HSSA Board
Functions Engage and involve local people in the promotion and planning of services Redesign and improve services Secure safe and responsive services Commission public health programmes Deliver health and social care targets Develop Community Commissioning Associations
Benefits Shared understanding and ownership between professionals and communities Ability to influence and direct change Manage resources Improve performance Ability to define and develop new services
Community Commissioning Associations Locality based commissioning Alliance of GPs, other health and social care practitioners, community and voluntary sector Commissioners for a distinct population within a LCG area with delegated powers and budgets Supported and incentivised to deliver real change
Functional Support to LCG and CCAs Finance, information, contracting, public health, social care, modelling and analysis, performance monitoring from HSSA Will support not drive LCGs and CCAs Will respond to priorities, work programmes and objectives of LCGs and CCAs Will not be delivered through discrete organisational entities
Directors of Commissioning Regional Director to focus on strategic planning plus commissioning of specialist services 3 Areas Directors to support LCGs & CCAs to commission services – Ensure strong functional support to LCGs & CCAs – Establish and navigate relationships with stakeholders – Support and work in partnership with Chairs of the LCGs
Timetable Local Commissioning Groups by April 2007 Organisational Development programme May, June and July 2007 Commissioner Development programme begins August 2007 Community Commissioning pilots during 2007/8
Next steps Local Commissioning Groups become functional and engage with stakeholders to plan for 2008/9 HSSA puts into place functional support for LCGs and CCAs Other elements of reform programme align with commissioning – performance, service framework and financial regime as examples
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