11th Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly of CORAF/WECARD 20 June, 2014 Niamey- Niger Addendum to the Strategic Plan ( ) & the 2nd Operational Plan (2014 – 2018)
Addendum to SP & 2 nd OP2 ( ) Addendum to SP (2007 – 2016) 2 nd Operational Plan ( ) Key points and content Structure and Content of OP2 Rationale for structure of document Overview and general Aspects 2
ADDENDUM TO THE SP Concurrent with the development of the OP[ ] for implementation of 2 nd phase of Strategy [ ] Strategic Plan reviewed to ensure that key elements are aligned to wider policy environment Addendum identifies and describes three elements of the original Plan that should be amended or considered in light of changes occurring in the wider policy environment: Policy Implementation approach Structure
ADDENDUM TO THE SP ( ) Policy environment – CAADP, the RECs and Science Agenda CORAF/WECARD developed its Strategic Plan [ ] following the principles, targets and focus of the NEPAD/AUC-led CAADP, policies of the RECs Focus of these core policy documents - elimination of hunger and reduction of poverty and food insecurity through agriculture Has remained largely unchanged, however, the manner in which these are to be achieved has shifted.
ADDENDUM TO THE SP ( ) In consultation with a wide range of stakeholders NEPAD has developed Sustaining CAADP Momentum of CAADP and FARA the Scientific Agenda for African Agriculture. CORAF/WECARD’s Strategic Plan remains aligned to these and this Addendum is presented in recognition of that fact. Sustaining the CAADP Momentum – Going for Results and Impact The CAADP 10-year Results Framework. NEPAD, pp Science Agenda For Agriculture In Africa (S3a) “Connecting Science”- A Science Agenda For Transforming Agriculture In Africa.
Alignment of CORAF/WECARD Plan with key policy statements of CAADP, ECOWAS and ECCAS objectives & deliverables
Changes in Implementation Approach Based on lessons learned from analysis by broad- based stakeholders and external evaluations the new approach will focus on a Programme-Thematic Approach and offers several potential benefits: Provides a clear poverty focus in an integrated manner and responding to their demand for improved technologies/innovations. Provides a virtual means for institutionalising collaboration among programmes and cross cutting units. Ensures better coherence with CORAF/WECARD’s, ECOWAP and PAC, and dev ‘t partner’s priorities.
Changes in Implementation Approach The new approach will shift the focus from programmes to the delivery of Results with a new Directorate of Programme and Innovation [DPI], managing, amongst other things, the interconnections between Results The Directorate will comprise six programmes under thematic areas. Themes are defined as major opportunities or challenges facing agricultural transformation in the sub-region. They are a means for institutionalising collaboration between programmes and cross- cutting-units and with bigger policy issues
Emerging themes Theme 1:Food Health and Nutrition security Theme 2: Markets and Trade Theme 3: Sustainable Agriculture
Concept of Themes and Result Delivery
Changes in Structure & Governance The key change affecting the Strategic Plan is in the internal structure of the Secretariat. In order to address the new functions and approach to implementation a new structure is proposed The structure is a mixture of new positions and reassigned and redefined roles. All the roles and responsibilities of Secretariat staff will be reviewed and aligned to ensure that they will deliver the necessary and sufficient conditions for successful delivery of Results. Staff development will be tailored to reflect new demands.
Structure of CORAF/WECARD Secretariat for OP2
Operational Plan (2014 – 2018)
1. Background Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Historical perspective – setting the scene Context of wider policy environment – CAADP, FAAP and RECs Strategic Plan and links with OP2 - deliverables Process of developing OP2 14
1. Background2. Performance OP1 Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Background External Evaluations Internal Assessments Implications Summary of external and internal evaluations and reviews Achievements, constraints and issues Need to build on lessons learned Issues and points reflected in approach of OP2 15
1. Background2. Performance OP1 Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Background External Evaluations Internal Assessments Implications 3. Summary of Improvements in OP2 Strategy for implementation of OP2 Responses to key challenges Overall approach of OP2 – the rationale/strategy of the Plan Eight Key challenges Responses to the Challenges Acknowledges weaknesses Not done all OP1 promised Need to avoid business as usual Build on Strengths and achievements Greater accountability and proactive management 16
1. Background2. Performance OP1 4. Restating the role of CORAF/WECARD Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Background External Evaluations Internal Assessments Implications Vision and Mission Mandate and Core Functions Role of CORAF/WECARD under OP2 3. Summary of Improvements in OP2 Strategy for implementation of OP2 Responses to key challenges Links to Statutes - explanation of Vision and Mission statements Restatement of CORAF/WECARD’s mandate and core functions Specific role that CORAF/WECARD will have in OP2 in context of core functions – differences from OP1 17
1. Background2. Performance OP1 4. Restating the role of CORAF/WECARD Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Background External Evaluations Internal Assessments Implications Vision and Mission Mandate and Core Functions Role of CORAF/WECARD under OP2 3. Summary of Improvements in OP2 Strategy for implementation of OP2 Responses to key challenges 5. Strategy for OP2 Logframe principles Results and Delivery Specific Objective Explanation of nesting and its significance Meaning of logframe statements Explanation of Results and new Result Importance of Result delivery and achievement of objectives Interactions of Results 18
1. Background2. Performance OP1 4. Restating the role of CORAF/WECARD 6. Result Deliver mechanism and Themes Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Background External Evaluations Internal Assessments Implications Vision and Mission Mandate and Core Functions Role of CORAF/WECARD under OP2 Overview New approach - rationale Thematic descriptions Monitoring and Evaluation 3. Summary of Improvements in OP2 Strategy for implementation of OP2 Responses to key challenges 5. Strategy for OP2 Logframe principles Results and Delivery Specific Objective Rationale for evolution of Programme approach Thematically designed interventions Project and non-project activities Indicative Themes Monitoring and Evaluation 19
1. Background2. Performance OP1 4. Restating the role of CORAF/WECARD 6. Result Deliver mechanism and Themes 7. Structure and Governance Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Background External Evaluations Internal Assessments Implications Vision and Mission Mandate and Core Functions Role of CORAF/WECARD under OP2 Overview New approach - rationale Thematic descriptions Monitoring and Evaluation Change to support paradigm shift Roles and Responsibilities Issues of change and change management Change Management Plan 3. Summary of Improvements in OP2 Strategy for implementation of OP2 Responses to key challenges 5. Strategy for OP2 Logframe principles Results and Delivery Specific Objective Changes necessary to support new functions Options and descriptions of roles 20
1. Background2. Performance OP1 4. Restating the role of CORAF/WECARD 6. Result Deliver mechanism and Themes 7. Structure and Governance 8. Budgets and Financial Planning Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Background External Evaluations Internal Assessments Implications Vision and Mission Mandate and Core Functions Role of CORAF/WECARD under OP2 Overview New approach - rationale Thematic descriptions Monitoring and Evaluation Change to support paradigm shift Roles and Responsibilities Issues of change and change management Change Management Plan Overview Model of FP Budgeting methodology Financing Structure 3. Summary of Improvements in OP2 Strategy for implementation of OP2 Responses to key challenges 5. Strategy for OP2 Logframe principles Results and Delivery Specific Objective Approach to budgeting and indications of needs New costs centres 21
1. Background2. Performance OP1 4. Restating the role of CORAF/WECARD 6. Result Deliver mechanism and Themes 7. Structure and Governance 8. Budgets and Financial Planning 9. Conclusions Historical Perspective Policy environment Strategic Plan Background External Evaluations Internal Assessments Implications Vision and Mission Mandate and Core Functions Role of CORAF/WECARD under OP2 Overview New approach - rationale Thematic descriptions Monitoring and Evaluation Change to support paradigm shift Roles and Responsibilities Issues of change and change management Change Management Plan Overview Model of FP Budgeting methodology Financing Structure 3. Summary of Improvements in OP2 Strategy for implementation of OP2 Responses to key challenges 5. Strategy for OP2 Logframe principles Results and Delivery Specific Objective
Conclusions Stemming from the lessons learned under OP1, and the stakeholder analysis, OP2 will internalize and up-scale IAR4D and value chain approaches via multi-stakeholders IPs at all levels of interventions to strengthen the impact infrastructure (multi- stakeholder Innovation Platforms) established during the implementation of OP1. This is envisaged to lead to increased adoption of technologies, improved agricultural production in quantity and quality, and increased connection of producers and their organizations to markets. Apropriate administrative and programmatic management systems will be put in place to enhance insitutional performance Robust Planning, M&E and Learning system for tracking and reporting performance based on set targets in C/W results framework will be ensured in OP2.
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