Top down bottom up approach Working at a strategic and operational level to facilitate the development of digital literacy across the university Working with teaching staff, administrative staff, taught and postgraduate students Enhancing isolated development activities that have gone on within certain schools and divisions for some time ( for example within ULS information literacy provision) Creating unified and consistent approach across organisational boundaries.
Teaching and Learning (T&L) Engagement & Inclusion (E&I) Employability (Emp) Themes
Strategy (T&L) Education Strategy outlining the Learning Literacies: Digital, Information and Professional (E&I) Digital and Social Media Strategy (E&I) Equality and Diversity Strategy Identifying actions related to digital literacy from the digital inclusion perspective. (Emp) Employability Strategy identifying the three learning literacies (All) INSRV Digital and Information Literacy Strategy Staff (T&L)PCUTL (T&L and E&I) Digital Literacy Champions Network ( All) HR Staff Development (All ) INSRV Digital Literacy (T&L) ULS Staff Development Student (T&L and Emp)Cardiff Award (Emp) Careers Service (All) ULS Digital and Information Literacy (All) Graduate Centre/ Student Union CPD (T&L) Prototype integration into mainstream curriculum
Strategy Strategic Alignment Objective Completed end of May 2012 Internal: Consistent and aligned digital literacy vision outlined in the following university wide strategies: Education Strategy, Digital and Social Media Strategy, Equality and Diversity Strategy Action Plan, Employability Strategy identifying the three learning literacies and INSRV Digital and Information Literacy Strategy External: Input given for the SCONUL seven pillars digital literacy lens and digital literacy initiatives across other UK and international HEI’s
Staff PCUTL: focus on school based DL awareness events School Administrators: coordinating staff development opportunities Digital Literacy Champions Network: sharing pedagogic practice through meetings and online forums HR Staff Development: providing training through staff development framework INSRV Digital Literacy: Developing Digital literacy provision to staff and students through the enablement division of INSRV IT and ULS ULS Staff Development. Working with key staff such as subject librarians to capture requirements for digital literacy development which will enhance working practices and be cascaded to students across the university through IL provision
Student Cardiff Award: working with Cardiff Award to embed Digital Literacy in the curriculum which supports undergraduate students and gives them an additional advantage in employability and academic attainment skills. Working with the Careers Service to support the employability strategy. Developing staff skills and guidance which can be cascaded to students in a sustainable way. ULS Digital and Information Literacy Graduate Centre/ Student Union CPD Working with the school of medicine on the development of their phase 1 C21 Medical curriculum which will have integrated digital and information literacy.
Development Focus Development work in each of these areas is defined by the strategic partner to suit their needs. For example staff development workshops, presentations, resource development, technology trials or guidance materials. All development work is centred around the Digidol Focus model which looks at ‘Task’ first and then develops the skills to evaluate and use technology. This approach supports the Beetham and Shape Pyramid Model 2009 which is endorsed by the JISC developing digital literacies programme.
Development Focus The categories of tasks we believe are most significant based upon the research conducted are the following: Searching and Retrieving Managing Manipulating Creating Disseminating Exchanging and Communicating NB This was inspired by the SCONUL seven pillars information literacy model, however, for the purpose of this project evaluation, identification, scoping and planning are not included because they are understood to be high-level cognitive activities performed as an integral part of all these tasks.
Mapping to Services Requirements from the tasks identified and resulting practices will be mapped to the following categories of service provision (internal and external): Content Tool/technology People Process The aim is to encourage exploration and identification of available services in support of the practices identified.