THE ASSOCIATE COLLEGE PARTNERSHIP The Associate College Partnership And its place in University Strategy
Evolution of the ACP What FE brings to Brookes – low risk partnerships What the University wants from the ACP What do you want from the ACP??? (get ready to tell us) INTRODUCTION
1998 HEFCE funding review; (increased students, no extra funding, no residences in Oxford top down partnerships 2004 widening participation Plan formation of ACP Small number of successful partnerships, some joined some left now a strong core THE EVOLUTION OF THE ACP
Similar legal basis to Brookes Highly regulated, OFSTED, QAA Strong local brands Strong local understanding / contacts/ partnerships Rationale for HE as internal progression Can be highly responsive Risk is well defined and limited WHAT FE COLLEGES BRING TO THE ACP
Relationships are University wide Positive partnerships at all levels – not simply a transaction around a programme Part of £9,000 fee package, low cost alternative Non-standard students (for Brookes) Not competing with Oxford campuses Raise aspiration of students and profile of Brookes in area FEATURES OF ACP PARTNERSHIP
Relationship with common objectives and values the colleges together and the University Relationships which run through all levels of the College/ University Student centred - Brookes aspiration for upper quartile performance (NSS SE) shared and worked towards across the whole ACP; High quality – QAA Sustainable programmes – programme developments that are based on thorough market evaluation WHAT WE WANT FOR THE ACP