Hatshepsut On the back of the throne, part of an enigmatic scene is preserved which probably consisted of two back-to-back goddesses The hippopotamus with feline legs and a crocodile tail appears behind goddess has the body of a pregnant her legs Reading from the top down, the hieroglyphic inscriptions on the left side of the throne say "the good goddess" and "lady of the Two Lands"
Anubis Anubis is usually depicted as a jackal or a man with the head of a jackal This sacred statue, in the dwelling place of the God, was the embodiment of Anubis The statue of Anubis, with its head of the Jackal, was only seen by ordinary Egyptians at important festivals when the effigy was paraded in magnificent processions
Amun Amun typically appears as a man wearing a tall, double- feathered headdress. His hands, which have been intentionally cut back, may represent a deliberate alteration to allow the statue to fit into a shrine or a portable ceremonial boat used to carry it in processions. a short kilt decorated on the belt with a tyet-amulet
Chephren’s Pyramid The pyramids height originally was meters and square slope of The faces rising slightly more steeply than those of the great pyramid This pyramid has 2 entrances through the north face
The Great Sphinx People believe that the workers of Khafre’s shaped the stone into the head of a pharaoh and the body of a lion The Great Sphinx is believed to be the most immense sculpture made of stone in the round ever made by human The Sphinx faces the rising sun with temple at the front which resembles the sun temples
Akhenaten Statue His figure is one of the most famous and controversial even though most pharaohs and elites insisted on an idealized youthful ptrayal of themselves in the visual arts he had a realistic statue of himself It is located in the Cairo Egyptian Museum in African Egypt
Osiris The statue of Osiris wore a crown He wore a belt around his waist His skin was green to represent rebirth
Hathor Hathor is commonly depicted as a cow goddess with head horns in which is set a sun disk with Uranus Her name literally means “house of Horus” She has a headdress which includes of the cow horns holding the solar disc
Horus Horus was represented either as a falcon- headed man or as a falcon. The sky was represented by the wings of Horus and his two eyes symbolized the sun and the moon, The phrase 'the eye of Horus' usually refers to the moon eye
Seth Depicted as a man with the head of a 'Sut animal' or as a full ‘Set animal' The 'Set animal' has long, squared ears and a long, down-turned snout, a canine- like body with an erect forked tail. The statue of Seth would have been depicted with the body of a man / woman and the head of Beast.
Recipe 1 large ripe mango [peeled,stoned] and chopped rind of one unwaxed orange. Juice of 3 oranges, caster sugar to taste 2 peaches 2 nectarines, 1 small mango, peeled 2 plums, 1 pear or ½ small melon Juice of 1 lemon 25-50g/1-2oz/2 heaped Tbs. wild Strawberries (optional) 25-50g/1-2oz/2 heaped Tbs. raspberries 25-50g/1-2oz/2 heaped Tbs. blueberries
The End