Unit 6 Overview Reading, Understanding ICD-9-CM Coding: Chapters 16, 19, 20 Graded Assignments Seminar, Attend Seminar or Complete Option 2, 20 Points Exercises, Challenge exercises derived from your textbook, 20 points Quiz, 60 points
ICD-9-CM Coding Practice Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium 630-679
Can you code this? Intrauterine pregnancy, spontaneous delivery, single liveborn (2 codes)
Can you code this? Precipitate Labor, undelivered
Can you code this? Intrauterine pregnancy, with pernicious anemia, not delivered (2 codes)
Can you code this? Fleshy mole
Can you code this? Electively induced abortion, complete
Can you code this? Missed abortion, 19 weeks gestation
Can you code this? Electively induced abortion, complete, complicated by shock
Can you code this? Intrauterine pregnancy, term, delivered right occipitoanterior, liveborn male infant, second-degree laceration, perineum (2 codes)
Can you code this? Intrauterine pregnancy, with complicating incompetent cervix, undelivered
Can you code this? Pregnancy, delivered, with premature labor, single liveborn infant (2 codes)
Can you code this? Normal pregnancy, visit to OB clinic for prenatal supervision, 30 weeks gestation, first baby
Can you code this? Antenatal screening for hepatitis B
Can you code this? Pregnancy, twins, undelivered, 32 weeks
Can you code this? Pregnancy, delivered, 35 weeks; single liveborn infant; patient with known continuous marijuana drug dependence (4 codes)
Can you code this? Normal delivery of a single, liveborn baby girl (2 codes)
Can you code this? Ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy
Can you code this? Pelvic peritonitis following elective abortion completed 5 days ago; patient admitted today with high fever
Can you code this? Gestational diabetes, undelivered, 30 weeks
Can you code this? Blighted ovum
ICD-9-CM Coding Practice Congenital Anomalies 740-759
Can you code this? Cleft lip and cleft palate
Can you code this? Patent ductus arteriosus
Can you code this? Congenital hydrocephalus
Can you code this? Term birth, male; incomplete cleft lip on right side (born in hospital)
Can you code this? Baby’s chart: Male newborn, congenital hip dysplasia
Can you code this? Newborn male, premature (1400 grams); hyaline membrane disease (hint: 4 codes)
Can you code this? Newborn Twins: #1 delivered in parking lot of hospital; Twin #2 delivered after admission of mother
Can you code this? Fragile X syndrome