3 CuCu Ag Industrial process: mining, processing - flotation, smelting - electrolysis Cu, Ag
Seismic hazards in Poland very low, but sometimes „induced seismicity” Last : 19 march 2013 Copper mine area: LUBIN
Zinc and lead ore Zinc minerals in such a form are present nearly exclusively in Silesia Zincblende
Triassic sediments : dolomite Zinc and lead ore : massive-, breccia, impregnation ~ 3% Zn, < 2% Pb Minerals : galena PbS, sphalerite ZnS, marcasite FeS 2 depth : ~ 250m ( m) Thichness ore bodies : cm – several m WATER INFLOW TO MINES 30 m³/min. It is necessary to pump out significant amounts of underground waters
A lithological profile of the deposit area indicates the fact that the Triassic dolomites – shally limestone, are mineralized The deposit is at the depth of 200 – 300 metres. Lead and zinc minerals contain some amounts of Ag, Cd, Tl.
9 Sulphur underground melting (Frash) hole exploatation
Tertiary limestones : % S opencast mining (in the past)
Rock salt in salt dome
⇦ Cu 4 salt cyclothems Z1-Z4 located in the roof of copper deposit
Lignite Miocene Opencast
today 1 2 3
Bełchatów lignite deposit Resources ~ 2 mld t are enough for 2032 production 38,5 Mio. t/a overburden mln m³/r water 190 Mln. t/a Thickness: ~55 m (100 m) Pola górnicze: "Bełchatów", "Szczerców" i "Kamieńsk„ mine field. Power station MW
Cross section Bełchatow. 1 – Sand, 2 – Shale, mud, 3 – Border Q-Tr, 4 – Lignite, 5 – Salt
Landfill reclamation
Turoszów lignite deposit Thickness : ~52,0m ~12 Mio. T/a Area : ~66 km 2 Overburden : thickness of the coal seam: 2,6 :
SIENIAWA underground lignite mine Glacier folded the Coal Seams
Resour ces Calorific value SulphurAsh Coal quality parameters
Hydrocarbons Petroleum and natural gas
pharmacist Ignacy Łukasiewicz switched on the first oil lamp in a hospital in Lvov (this city is in Ukraine now, till the World War Ist it was in the Galician province of the Austrian- Hungarian Empire)
Enter to energy security Gazprom
„ Shale belt in Poland „ km²,, 12% area
US Department of Energy (2011) estimated shale gas reserves ~22,45 bln m³ (10¹²) 5,3 bln m³ possible Polish Geological Institute PIG – PIB (2014) Estimated reserves mld m³ (10 9 )
Bituminuos (hard) coal in Poland