Health Care Issues Affecting Business Operations of the Commonwealth June 21,
Prominent Issues Aging population Increased chronic disease (heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity) Age adjusted rate for heart disease is decreasing, but events are happening at an earlier age Dissatisfaction with health insurance, continual rising costs Business impact of ACA VA is not ranked in top 10 states for any of the health indicators – impact on attracting business and maintaining resources Under to to 64 Over 65 Changes in Virginia’s Population by Major Group (Actual and Projected) 3
Prominent Issues 4
Health & Family Indicators Compared to Other States Indicator Rank Cancer Deaths Cardiovascular Disease Health Insurance Immunization (Childhood) Infant Mortality Obesity Smoking Suicide Teen Pregnancy * Rankings between 1 and 10 denote top national performance. 5
Prominent Issues Compared with other states, Virginia ranks “middle of the pack” for: Cancer Deaths Cardiovascular Disease Immunization (Childhood) Infant Mortality Smoking Health Insurance Coverage 6
Prominent Issues Compared with other states, Virginia ranks slightly better than average for: Obesity Teen Pregnancy Suicide 7
Adult Obesity is a leading health care concern for Virginia 8
Prominent Issues 9
Blue Print Virginia Survey Format: Electronic Survey Respondents: 56 business and health care stakeholders 29% have greater than 1000 employees in Virginia Location: Virginia Purpose: provide insight into what issues are affecting business operations and decision making 11
Employee Locations by Virginia Health Districts 12
Employee Location 13
Employee Population: Age Most respondents report that their employees are primarily between the ages of 30 and 60 14
Employee Population: Gender 15