Drinking…A Love Story u Is this a realistic story? Could this actually happen? u Thoughts? Any thing you would like to share?
Substance Use & Sexual Decision - Making Quick Facts
Did you know… u Teens who drink alcohol are seven times more likely to have sexual intercourse than those who don’t drink alcohol? u Teens who use drugs are five times more likely to have sexual intercourse than those who don’t use drugs? u In 66% of college sexual assault cases, the survivor, the perpetrator, or both used alcohol
Making the Connection – Team Challenge u Groups of two. u This is a competition u Questions will be asked to each group one at a time. u You will mark your partner’s answer. u The person with the most answers correct… WINS!
True or False? Alcohol gives you energy. u False. Alcohol is a depressant and therefore slows down your ability to speak, think, and move.
True or False? Drinking alcohol makes you sexy. u False. The more you drink, the less you think, placing you at risk for STI’s/HIV or unplanned pregnancy. Therefore, drinking is not sexy at all.
True or False? Some people use drugs and alcohol as an excuse to engage in sexual activity. u True. Some individuals consciously or unconsciously use substances as an excuse for sexual activity. Additionally, substances are sometimes used as an excuse for sexual violence or aggression.
True or false? Higher amounts of alcohol (two or more drinks) can help a man get and keep erections. u False. Alcohol, in larger doses, impars a man’s ability to obtain and maintain an erection. Additionally, higher amounts of alcohol decrease arousal and impair one’s ability to ejaculate.
True or false? Larger amounts of alcohol help women to reach sexual arousal. u False. Research indicates that in women, ability to achieve orgasm, as well as sexual arousal, decrease with increasing amounts of alcohol.
True or false? In women, long-term abuse of alcohol may cause infertility (not being able to have children). u True. Heavy and chronic drinking by women can negatively impact reproduction by: hindering ovulation; causing menstrual irregularities; and causing early menopause.
True or False? If you have sex with a person who was high on drugs or had too much to drink, it is considered sexual assault. u True. Legally speaking, if a person is high on drugs or had too much to drink, they cannot consent to having sex. Therefore, having sex with a drunk or high individual is legally sexual assault.
True or False? 20% of teenagers, ages were under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they lost their virginity? u False. 43% of 1000 teens, years old surveyed in Ontario reported that they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they engaged in sex for the first time. u Even more scary…23% of these teens remember only parts of the experience due to excess drug and alcohol use.
True or False? Rhohypnol, also known as “Roofies” is the most common “date rape” drug out there. u False. Alcohol is more closely linked to crimes of sexual violence when compared to any other drug.
True or False? The use of marijuana by men may decrease testosterone levels. u True. Men who use marijuana have lower testosterone levels. Additionally marijuana use by men is also associated with lower sperm motility (sperm movement) and lower sperm count.
True or False? Teens who use drugs and alcohol are less likely to use condoms. u True. Research indicates that teens who use drugs and alcohol are somewhat less likely to use condoms when compared to nonusers. The bottom line is, teens are poor condom users regardless of using alcohol and drugs.
True or False? In men, long term abuse of alcohol may cause enlarged testicles. u False. In men, chronic abuse of alcohol may cause shrinking testicles. Other long term effects are lower sperm count and impotence (inability to obtain or maintain an erection).
True or False? Substance use is common when violence occurs between individuals involved in intimate relationships. u True. Roughly 75% of survivors reported that they were victimized by an intimate partner who was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
True or False? Ecstasy causes stronger, prolonged erections and more intense sexual arousal. u False. Although ecstasy is labeled the “Love Drug” and claims to improve erections and orgasms, research indicates that it prolongs erections, but feeling is lost and orgasm/ejaculation is not achieved.