Codes and Conventions The familiar and predictable forms and techniques used by the media to convey a desired impression.
Codes: Systems of signs, put together (usually in a sequence) to create meaning. Codes include the special devices of an individual media, such as camera angles, lighting, special effects.
Conventions Habits or long accepted ways of doing things…through repeated experiences, audiences become familiar with these. Conventions are the typical plot elements including conflicts and resolutions of a particular medium.
Types of Codes Technical Codes: Camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting, exposure and juxtaposition Symbolic Codes Objects, setting, body language, clothing and color Written Codes Headlines, captions, speech bubbles, language style
Questions about Codes and conventions What is the message genre? What techniques are used to attract my attention? What conventions of storytelling or symbolism are used in this message? What kinds of persuasive or emotional appeals are used in this message? How is this message similar and different from others with similar content?
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Each medium has its own forms and conventions. Newspapers, radio, television, magazines, and the internet have a different look, a different method of communicating, a different purpose, and different codes and conventions. Within a specific medium, you may also find distinct codes and conventions. Television is a perfect example. Television shows may by categorized according to genre. Some common television genres are: soap operas, talk shows, medical dramas, police dramas, and sitcoms. Check out these Codes and Conventions!Codes and Conventions!