Courageous Programme Courageous Movie Night 10 & 11 May Movie Week of 18 Groups Fathers’ Day Services 16 & 17
Courageous Movie Night ObjectiveCell cum evangelistic outreach using “Family” theme. Cell Members Each cell group to be given 15 tickets for its members and to invite families and friends. Church members not in cell Can request for tickets at Admin Counter. To be invited to visit cells for movie discussion. VisitorsTo be invited to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day services at COOS.
Father’s Day Service ThemeFathers’ love and commitment to their families. Fathers’ Expressions Song, poem, letter, testimony etc. Fathers’ Resolution Invite fathers to make their Resolution before their families and congregation. Present every father with the Resolution certificate. Invite fathers to sign on the Resolution plaque.
Kite-Flying Event Date & Time Sat 16 June: 5:30pm-6:30pm Sun 17 June: 9am-11:30am VenueField opposite Fishermen of Christ church. ActivitiesAll children & youths to be given “Dads For Life” kites. They can write/draw on the kites to express their appreciation to their fathers. A kite-flying expert to be invited to teach how to assemble and fly the kite. Fathers to fly the kites with their families.
“Parenting is like the art of flying a kite; knowing when to pull back and when to let go of our children so that they can fly high, but always keeping the line between our children and us.”