A good indicator of the health of a high street is the number of major chain shops. This is because these stores require lots of people to comes and visit them. These shops also tend to stock goods that people are willing to travel further for, to get the best price. These goods are different to those that people buy everyday and are not willing to travel long distances for, because they are cheap. These stores also like to locate where people are always walking by, and might come in and buy something. Sometimes these shops locate next to major roads, because this means that people can get to them easier. These out of town locations are also popular with people who live in one area and travel to another for work. The movement of these stores to the edge of cities, reflects the expanding of cities, at the edge of cities there is plentiful former farming land to build upon.
A spit is formed from the process of material being dropped. Material further along the coast will have been taken from cliffs. This material is moved along the coastline in zig-zag motion. The waves move up a beach at the angle of the most common wind, along the coastline. The waves then move down the beach by the force of gravity at a right angle to the coast. This process is called moving material along the coast. This process continues, until there is a change in the direction of the coastline, here material is dropped. This is because dropping is greater than taking, because the conditions are sheltered and therefore calmer. This means a spit will form. The moving the material along the coast process will continue, until the wind changes direction and causes the moving the material along the coast process, to change direction, this causes a characteristic curve to the spit.
A product from the earth that is useful for humans that I have studied is Timber. Timber is a resource that can be used again and again, if used in the right way. Timber in the Amazon rainforest can be used in a number of ways, building material, furniture and fuel. One example way of using Timber in the Amazon rainforest in a way so that it is around for future generations, is the agreement between the Kayapo Indians and the Body Shop. The Indians collect brazil nuts from the forest, using their hands, they convert the brazil nuts from a product of the trees, to a paste, this is an example of a manufactured product, they have increased the price of their product! This scheme is also an example of where producers are paid a price that covers the cost of their product.