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An oral history of stock car racing from its crude beginnings as a contest among Southern bootleggers to its present status as a billion-dollar industry. American Zoom: Stock Car Racing – From the Dirt Tracks to Daytona by Peter Golenbock
Driver’s Ed by Caroline B. Cooney Teenagers Remy and Morgan find their lives changed forever after they thoughtlessly steal a stop sign from a dangerous intersection and a young mother is killer in an automobile accident there.
Road and Track Published by: Diamandis Communications, Inc. This magazine is written for automotive enthusiasts and emphasizes cars and driving blended with wide-ranging feature stories, entertainment and event coverage
Terry Anders, a fourteen-year-old boy abandoned by his parents, makes his own way by constructing a car from a kit left in his father's garage and finds himself journeying across the country with a Vietnam vet loner. The Car By: Gary Paulsen
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