MS108 Computer System I Lecture 2 Metrics Prof. Xiaoyao Liang 2014/2/28 1.


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Presentation transcript:

MS108 Computer System I Lecture 2 Metrics Prof. Xiaoyao Liang 2014/2/28 1

Performance Metrics 2





Amdahl’s Law 7



Performance Equation 10 The Processor Performance Equation

11 Performance Equation

12 Different instruction types having different CPIs






18 IC Cost Cost driven down by learning curve –Yield DRAM: price closely tracks cost Microprocessors: price depends on volume –10% less for each doubling of volume

IC Cost 19 Integrated circuit Bose-Einstein formula: Defects per unit area = defects per square cm (2010) N = process-complexity factor = (40 nm, 2010)

IC Cost 20

Availability Year 21

Power 22

Power 23

Power 24 Dynamic energy –Transistor switch from 0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0 –½1/2 x Capacitive load x Voltage 2 Dynamic power –½ 1/2x Capacitive load x Voltage 2 x Frequency switched Reducing clock rate reduces power, not energy

Power 25 Static power consumption –Current static x Voltage –Scales with number of transistors –To reduce: power gating

Power 26 Intel consumed ~ 2 W 3.3 GHz Intel Core i7 consumes 130 W Heat must be dissipated from 1.5 x 1.5 cm chip This is the limit of what can be cooled by air

Benchmark 27

Benchmark 28
