I wandered lonely as a cloud, That floats on high o'er vales and hills….
Thin wispy high clouds
High, small, puffy and patchy
Tall, fluffy angry looking grey clouds
Medium height, small puffy clouds, patchy lines
Thin and uniform
Low, puffy and piled up
Uniform, thin to think layered clouds, ill-defined
Broad and flat on the bottom, puffy on top
Cirro- given to high altitude clouds- means wisp of hair. Alto- given to mid- altitude clouds- means high. Nimbo (prefix) or nimbus (suffix)- is used for clouds that bring rain. Cumulo- means heap and refer to piles of clouds. Stratus- means layer and refers to flat wide layered clouds.
Flickr userimage Patrick Smith PhotographFront images pyles94Cirrus Man in a bowler hatCirrocumulus A guy with a cameraCumulonimbus Andreas ChristenAltocumulus Nicholas TAltostratus Nicholas TCumulus Imprint PhortographyStratus clouds Nicholas TStratocumulus s/10%20Major%20Cloud%20Types.htm Cloud diagram All images are Creative Commons- with except of the cloud diagram- source unknown.