Chapter 1: Three Worlds Meet
Section 1 1. Many historians believe that humans first came to America by walking across a land bridge formed btwn. Siberia and Alaska. 2. Sedentary societies were characterized by groups of people remaining in permanent villages. 3.The first great American civilization located in Mesoamerica was the Olmec people. 4. The Maya people built large cities. 5. The Europeans reached the Americas in 1492. 6. The Inca people inhabited what is now Peru. 7. Inca achievements include: an accurate calendar. 8. Near present-day Alaska, the people who lived on frozen tundra in buildings made of ice were called the Inuit.
Inca Aztec Inuit Pueblo Olmec Maya Peru Mexico Alaska AZ/NM Mesoamerica 1300-1500 AD 1400’S 1200-400 B.C. 250-900 AD. United many small communities under a single gov’t
Section 2 KONGO: central african kingdom located on the Zaire river that ruled during the 1400’s. ISLAM: the book of this religion is the Koran, it teaches that there is one god, named Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet. SAHARA DESERT: large desert in N. Africa that limited trade to central and Southern Africa. MUSLIM: follower of the religion of Islam. MANSA MUSA: ruler of Mali who founded a university to teach Islam. NDONGO: central African kingdom in the late 1400’s that engaged in warfare and slavery. MALI: kingdom that took over Ghana and became W. Africa’s most powerful state. GHANA: W. African kingdom that prospered btwn 700-1000. SAVANNA: a long and flat grassland with wildlife, bushes, and scattered trees. SLAVES: people who are captured for use in forced, unpaid labor.
Section 3 1. Queen Isabella, encouraged travel and exploration to seek profits for the monarchy. 2. The Great Famine was a devastating food shortage in the early 1300’s. 3. A deadly disease called the Black Death killed millions of people in Europe. 4. 100 yr. war btwn. France and G.B. 5. As trade increased, monarchs began strengthening their central gov’ts and exerting more control by collecting new taxes. 6. The Renaissance was a widespread cultural revival of classical art, architecture and learning. 7. Corrupt practices within the priesthood caused discontent about the role of the church in society and led to a reform movement: The Reformation. 8. Around 1440, the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. 9. One current that directed ships in the Atlantic Ocean was the North Atlantic current that ran clockwise between N. Europe and Caribbean sea. 10. S.A. current ran counter-clockwise between Africa and South America.