Five Pillars of Islam 1)Declaration of Faith: “No God but Allah; Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.” 2) Prayer: Five times daily facing the holy city of Mecca (Makkah). 3)Charity: Islam requires a person to give approximately 2.5% of wealth to charity. 4) Fasting/Ramadan: Cannot eat, drink, or have sexual relations from dawn to sunset. 5) Hajj: Pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca once in lifetime.
Hajj Every able bodied Muslim who could afford to do so. What does the pilgrimage consist of? – Walk 7 times counter-clockwise around the Kabba. – Kiss the black stone. – Run back and forth 7 times between the two hills. – Drink from the well. – Stand vigil on the plains of Mount Arafat. – Stoning the Devil Ritual – Shave heads and sacrifice an animal. – 3 Day Festival. 3 M people
Black Stone
Ramadan Meant to teach patience, sacrifice, and humility. Purification Exceptions??
Jihad A personal struggle in devotion to Islam involving spiritual discipline. Holy war in the name of Islam against infidels.
Islamic Sects Sunni Largest Group (85%) Leader of Muslim world can be any capable Muslim. S Shitte (Shia) Leader must be descendant of Muhammad. Some religious differences have occurred as a result, but main beliefs are the same.
Diet No pig products. Why? No alcohol consumption.
Shari’a: Islamic Law Law code taken directly from the Koran to govern over Muslims. Iran & Saudi Arabia Most Middle Eastern countries have laws influenced by Shari’a law.
Muslims World Wide 1.5 billion (2 nd behind Christianity) 20-25% 1.5 billion (2 nd behind Christianity) 20-25%
Prayers A translation of the Call to Prayer is: God is most great. God is most great. God is most great. God is most great. I testify that there is no god except God. I testify that there is no god except God. I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God. I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God. Come to prayer! Come to prayer! Come to success (in this life and the Hereafter)! Come to success! God is most great. God is most great. There is no god except God.