Pilot GCSE Geography: The 5 Themes FUGIS
Pilot GCSE Geography: The 5 Themes FUTURES This concept looks at predictions and trends, and the social, economic and environmental consequences of these trends. What might happen if? What will happen? What could happen instead? To predict the future, we need to have an understanding of the past. By doing this we get an understanding of the constant presence of change.
Pilot GCSE Geography: The 5 Themes UNEVEN DEVELOPMENT This concept looks at the uneven distribution of geographical phenomena in space and over time. It is concerned with difference and diversity. What physical and human features account for these differences? What are the consequences of these differences? What is good about difference? What should change about differences? Uneven development creates richer and poorer, winners and losers, haves and have-nots
Pilot GCSE Geography: The 5 Themes GLOBALISATION This concept considers the growing inter-connections between countries. It is about the growing ease of transfer of news, information, fashion, ideas, culture, people, goods and money around the world. It is about the consequences of these things merging. It looks at how our lives are bound more and more tightly together with those of other countries.
Pilot GCSE Geography: The 5 Themes INTERDEPENDENCE This concept is about links and connections. There are many connections between places - whether we move, or buy things from different parts of the world. Many connections are complex and involve chains, such as ecosystems, and industrial production. The concept is also about relationships: trust, dependency, support. Interdependence can also be used to describe the relationships between countries at different stages of development. There are gains and losses to be considered with interdependence.
Pilot GCSE Geography: The 5 Themes SUSTAINABILITY This concept is about developing places today with tomorrow in mind. It is about using resources without damaging them or exhausting them in the long term. We have to consider change with a view to the consequences. We need to consider solutions to problems, and to consider what problems we may face in the future that will need solutions