The Islamic World Chapter 8
8.1 … Islam complete the teachings of Judaism and Christianity. Mohammad is the last and greatest of the prophets … The Qur'an (Koran), the holy book of Islam, is the word of Allah (God) as it was revealed to Muhammad. The Qur'an should not be questioned or changed (or translated). … Allah, the God of Islam, is the creator of heaven and earth. No priests are necessary in Islam because people can communicate directly with Allah through prayer. … Salvation belongs only to Muslims who follow a strict moral code Beliefs of Islam
8.1 1.Muslims must accept and repeat the statement of faith: There is not God but God, and Muhammad is his prophet.” 2.At least five times a day, believes must face the holy city of Mecca and pray. 3.Muslims must be generous to the poor. 4.Fasting during Ramadan (the ninth month) from sun-up to sun-down 5.5. Muslims who are physically and financially able must make at least one pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. Five Pillars of Islam
I. The Rise & Spread of Islam (sorry, there are a lot) Arabian Peninsula Middle East oases Mecca Bedouins Muhammad prophet Allah emigration hijra Medina Kaaba Islam Muslims Five Pillars of Islam Quran ”people of the book” jihad caliphs Abu Bakr Umar Uthman Ali Sunni Shiite/Shia Umayyad Dynasty Moors Battle of Tours Battle of Tales Abbasid Dynasty Baghdad Harun al- Rashid Sufi Seljuk Turks sultan Pope Urban II The Crusades
True or False? Answer in your notebook 1.The Arabian Peninsula has no permanent rivers or other bodies of water. 2.Muhammad and his followers traveled to Mecca, which became known as “the city of the Prophet.” 3.Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. 4.There are many connections in the Quran to Jewish and Christian beliefs. 5.The Shiite Muslims supported the leadership of the early caliphs.
Section 1 The founder of the Umayyad Dynasty moved his capital from Medina to ______________. The Seljuks conquered the _______________ Peninsula, which was ruled by the Christian emperor at Constantinople.
Leaders of The Islamic World The Prophet Muhammad The Prophet Muhammad Rightly Guided Caliphs Abu Bakr – united Arabian peninsulaAbu Bakr – united Arabian peninsula Umar- used armies to take Islam out of ArabiaUmar- used armies to take Islam out of Arabia Uthman – continued expansionUthman – continued expansion Ali – continued expansionAli – continued expansion Umayyad Dynasty Umayyad Dynasty –Moved capitol from Medina to Damascus –Conquered Rhodes, Sicily, North Africa, & Afghanistan Abbasid Dynasty Abbasid Dynasty –Build mosques, schools, & hospitals –New capitol at Baghdad –Traded & supported the arts
Section 2 1.One of the holiest sites in the Islamic World is the ____________________. 2.____________, a philosopher and doctor in the Islamic Empire, wrote medical encyclopedias that were used to teach doctors. 3.The cultural center of Islamic Spain was _________. 4.Islamic artist did not represent ______________ in their religious art because they believed only God could create life.
Persian Drinking Horn 8.2
Qur'an from Egypt 8.2
Dome inside the mihrab at the Mosque of Córdoba 8.2
Camp of a Turkish Prince 8.2
Festivities During the Occasion of the Coronation of Jahangir,
Ottoman Empire 8.4
Ottoman Empire 8.4
Military Campaign of Suleiman: 1529 Siege of Vienna 8.4
Islamic Civilization 8.R