Clinical Education Electives Pam Shaw MD
General Guidelines for IDSP 800-Clinical Student finds mentors for experience Form due April 1, 2012 Student must be in good standing to participate (or have permission from Dean Meyer) Mentors must agree to evaluate student Two credits for four weeks, four credits for eight weeks Papers and/or Journals must be completed by Sept. 1, 2012
Objectives –Goal 1. By the end of this summer experience: The student will be able to formulate a history and physical for patients presenting in various medical settings consistent with a 1 st year level student. This history and physical will be based on information obtained by observation and workup of patients with the mentor. The student will be able to communicate and document patient care information using appropriate medical terminology, abbreviations and format consistent with a 1 st year medical student.
Objectives The student will be able to describe aspects of health care in the setting that the mentor practices in, including use of consultants, government regulations and how they affect their practice, and the use of third party payors. The student will be able to describe how the mentor prioritizes concurrent responsibilities such as caring for hospital and ambulatory patients or attending to patients in the Emergency room.
Objectives In addition to direct patient care, the student will participate in all related patient care activities as requested by the mentor such as hospital committee meetings and medical supervision at sporting events. The student is strongly encouraged to participate in non-medical community activities with their mentor. These may include local service organization meetings and/or chamber of commerce events. The student will employ a professional manner at all times. This includes wearing appropriate attire, attendance at all required activities, carrying out responsibilities in a timely manner, and demonstrating respect for patients, colleagues and support staff.
Requirements –Student – Will maintain a text journal during the summer clinical experience(s). The journal can be submitted or can be used to prepare a 2- to 3-page, double- spaced paper, which will include descriptions of three or four of the most significant/meaningful experience(s) that the student had. What, why, how, etc. did the particular experience(s) have an impact on the student as a medical student, a person, and/or as a future physician, etc.
Requirements –Mentor – completes the “IDSP-800 Evaluation of Student Performance” at the end of the program period and submits it to the Clinical Education Coordinator (me) (Evaluation includes the grade recommendation). –Final Grade will be issued to the Registrar after ALL requirements have been met.
Procedures –Student contacts a Mentor regarding availability/feasibility for a summer Clinical Experience. –Mentor & Student complete their information in the form:. “3 IDSP-800 Summer Clinical Education Elective Proposal” –Mentor or Student submits Proposal to Clinical Education Coordinator for action: review/discussion, possible revision, and recommendation for enrollment. –If the experience is proposed for an international site, then the Student must meet with the International Coordinator. –Student is notified of the outcome on the Proposal, and follows instructions from Enrollment Coordinator. –If you need to get access to the EMR for your research, you must contact the clerkship coordinator for the specialty who contacts Lindsay Silsby. –Must complete O2 modules before access is given.
Available Activities Working with a KUMC faculty Working with an outside physician Working with an international organization Work with safety net clinics
Search Program Cooperative program between KAMU and KU AHEC Places students in Community Health Centers or safety net clinics in rural and urban centers Competitive process that is application based Stipend to help cover costs is available –Contact Melanie Lira at or call for details and application
Approved by: INTERDISCIPLINARY SPECIAL PROGRAM : IDSP-800 School of Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center CLINICAL EDUCATION ELECTIVE PROPOSAL Check appropriate proposed site: - KUMC Site - Other USA Site - International Site All information is required: KUMC STUDENT : NAME: (first) __ (last) __STUDENT KUMC NO. ___ Home Phone #: __ Cell Phone #: __ __ Local Address: Street:: ___ Apt #:__ City: __State: __Zip: __ Clinical Time: # WEEKS doing research: __ DATES: mo:__/day:__ to mo.:__ /day:__ Credit Hours Proposed:4 Full Time 40hr/week, 8 wks;2 Part Time 20hr/wk, 8 wks or 40hr/wk, 4 wks). Permission to see my transcript grades (Min GPA=2.0 to participate): YES NO INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS: “I have or will have by the travel leave date…” YES NO. …an up-to-date, legal USA Passport YES NO. …health insurance for international travel. YES NO. …medical evacuation and repatriation insurances. YES NO. …sufficient funds and be responsible to pay all reasonable expenses for my elective. CLINICAL MENTOR: CLINICAL EDUC. TITLE : ___ Involves student’s contact with patients - YES NO CLINICAL MENTOR: NAME: (first) __ (last) __ MD DO Phone #: __ FAX: __* __ Position Title:__ Clinical Site: KUMC (only Dept & Office needed below) Other: (Institution Name) __Department:__ Office Location: __Address: __ City:__State: __Country:__Zip:__ Agree to submit Student Performance Evaluation at completion (will be ed to you): YES NO STUDENTS & MENTORS: EXPAND EACH ITEM IN THE CHECKLIST AS NEEDED ON CONTINUATION PAGES FOR COMPLETING THE APPLICATION : MENTOR & STUDENT : Clinical Proposal - 3 pages maximum, double-spaced, and include:
Questions? Contact Dr. Pam Shaw