Lecture 2 Multimedia Hardware and Software
MM hardware We need to distinguish between hardware requirements for MM production, and hardware requirements for MM delivery
Producing MM MM production requires high quality, high speed equipment with massive storage Need to store, and process, vast amounts of MM data such as images, sounds, and video
Producing MM Need to be able to capture video from camera to disc, at a constant rate Need to be able to record sounds using high quality microphones in a sound studio
MM Delivery Computer hardware to be used for running MM products requires particular specifications
Multimedia Hardware Apple computers have had multimedia capabilities since 1984 (played sound) Apple Macintosh series Multimedia PCs available since late 1980s 386 series
Apple Mac Variety of Models since 1984 eg PowerPc, Quadra, Classic Latest - iMac, G4 and G5, eMac
Apple iMac iMac is entirely suited for MM use Has high-level spec for: Processor and memory Storage Graphics Communications Audio Optical storage (cd/dvd / rewrite options)
Full details can be found at:
G5 Spec More advanced than iMac better processor GHz single/dual more memory 256Mb - 8Gb more hard disk space Gb see notes pages:
eMac eMac now also available MB SDRAM - 1 DIMM Keyboard/Mac OS X - U.S. English 1.25GHz PowerPC G GB Ultra ATA drive DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo drive Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 included
PC Multimedia PC (MPC) standard introduced to allow users to decide whether a particular PC was capable of running MM applications
MPC 386sx, 2mb ram, 30 mb hard disk, CD ROM Drive, VGA video (16 colours), an 8 bit audio board, speakers and/or headphones Microsoft Windows software with Multimedia Extensions package - not powerful.
MPC 486sx 25 mhz, 4mb ram (minimum), 160 mb hard disk, CD ROM (double speed), VGA video (64k colours) display resolution (640x480), a 16 bit audio audio board (digital sound, midi playback), 101 keyboard and mouse, midi, joystick, serial, parallel, Windows 3.0, plus multi media extensions
MPC Pentium 75 mhz, 8mb ram (minimum), 540 mb, CD ROM (quadra speed), VGA video (64k colours) ( video enable graphics), 16 bit audio board (digital sound, wavetable, midi playback), speakers must be measured at 3 watts per channel, video playback, 101 keyboard and mouse, joystick, serial, parallel, windows 3.11 and DOS 6.0
PC Today Provides high-spec hardware and software capable of supporting MM applications Vastly exceeds MPC 3 requirements Distinction of ‘Multimedia PC’ no longer needed
Example specification 3.6 GHz pentium 4 processor 512 – 4Gb memory 160 Gb hard drive cd/dvd rewrite Windows XP ~£1000
Peripherals for multimedia Extra Storage external hard discs cd readers/writers zip drives dvd players/writers
Input Devices Trackballs Touchscreens Graphics Tablets Scanners OCRD Infrared Remotes Voice Recognition Systems Digital Cameras (still and video)
Output projectors video
Software for multimedia Multimedia application development software eg Macromedia Authorware, Macromedia Director, Assymetrix Toolbook, Flash Graphics Creation and editing software eg Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, Adobe Illustrator Text Abobe Pagemaker, Adobe Framemaker, MS Word
Software Video Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, iMovie, Cinema 3D Sound provided with sound card, eg Soundblaster for PC and Macintosh sound software Web Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Go Live, Macromedia Flash and Macromedia Fireworks, shockwave