Period-by-period PeriodAvg. %ADVPRBABBFBB % % % % ??? %??
How well do you think you did on each? (1-5 scale) General standards addressed in the benchmark
7.1 – Rome – Strengths & contributions, fall of Rome – Start of Byzantine Empire, results of Great Schism
– Origins, life/teachings of Muhammad, connections with Judaism & Christianity – Significance of Qur’an & Sunnah – Muslim expansion, cultural blending – Muslim achievements 7.2 – Islam
– Geography of W. Africa & its relationship to trade – Role of trade in changing culture/religion in W. Africa, influence of Islamic beliefs, ethics, & law – Growth of Arabic language in government & trade; growth of Islamic scholarship in W. Africa 7.4 – West Africa
Task: Re-teach the following standards ROME: ISLAM: 7.2.3, 7.2.4, AFRICA: Instructions: Cornell Notes (I will give you time to copy the questions down from the following slides) Give yourself ⅓ to ½ page for the notes on each standard
7.1.3 Notes Idea/QuestionAnswer #1) “Cause & effect” graphic organizers explaining Great Schism (pp ) #2) Venn diagram for Catholic & Orthodox (pp ) #1) Example below (need 3 C&E): #2) Popes & emperors argue over who’s in charge EFFECT CatholicOrthodox
7.2.3 Notes Idea/QuestionAnswer #1) Qur’an detailed definition (pp ) #2) Sunnah significance? (pp ) #1) The Qur’an is… #2) The Sunnah is important because…
7.2.4 Notes Idea/QuestionAnswer #1) How did Muslim rule expand? (pp ) #2) How did Muslims treat conquered people? (pp ) #3) Why did Muslim rulers choose local leaders to govern conquered territories? (pp ) #1) Muslims expanded the lands they ruled through… #2) Conquered people were __________________________ by the Muslims # 3) Muslims let local rulers govern conquered territories because…
7.2.6 Notes Idea/QuestionAnswer #1) Create a Bubble Map on Muslim Achievements (using notes & pp ) #1) Muslim Achiev ements DETAIL
7.4.3 Notes Idea/QuestionAnswer #1) Explain the gold- salt trade across the Sahara using words or drawings (pp. 158) #2) How did Askia Muhammed spread Islam in West Africa? (pp ) #1) #2) Askia Muhammed spread Islam by… Img #1Img #2Img #3