Application highlights
Deadline 3rd of March, 2013
Europe North Africa Type of mobilityDurationPlaces / Target groupAllowance Undergraduate5 months14 (TG1)1000 EUR Undergraduate10 months14 (TG1)1000 EUR Master10 months6 (TG1)1000 EUR Staff1 months16 (TG1)2500 EUR
North Africa Europe Type of mobilityDurationPlaces / Target groupAllowance Undergraduate10 months42 (TG1) / 0 (TG2) / 1 (TG3)1000 EUR Master24 months27 (TG1) / 12 (TG2) / 1 (TG3)1000 EUR Doctorate36 months17 (TG1) / 5 (TG2) / 0 (TG3)1500 EUR Post-doctorate10 months16 (TG1) / 2 (TG2) / 0 (TG3)1800 EUR Staff2 months11 (TG1) / 1 (TG2) / 0 (TG3)2500 EUR
Academic offer Type of mobility European partners North African partners Total Undergraduate Master Doctorate940 Postdoc1000 Academic Staff Administrative Staff9716 T OTAL
Required documents UndergraduateMasterDoctorate Post- doctorate Staff Photo + CVXXXXX Formal identity document/passportXXXXX Declaration of HonorXXXXX Motivation letterXXXXX Support from a HEI in the GreenIT partnership (TG1) (Highly advisable for TG2 /TG1) XXXXX Applicant’s enrolment (students) or working condition (staff) in the home institution X X (exchange students) X (exchange students) XX Obtained degree---XXXX Transcript of recordsXXXX --- Support from a host HEI--- XXX Travel expenses conditions--- X Required documents by the host institutions in the academic/staff offer & language skills XXXXX