World Languages PLC April 11, 2013
Welcome/Good News! Sandy Ridge Elementary Feria de Flores Teacher: Iris Gomez TOYIris Gomez Glenn Elementary School Multicultural Night Teacher: Terry Turner
Goodbye Ms. Galler, Hello MRS. PEREZ!
Announcements *Information Presented to Principals *Walkthrough document *Documentary at Durham Tech 6pm *Add activities to our wiki *WL State Assessments *Summer Institute PD Opportunities *Next WL PLC April 24, 2013, 1-4pm
Assessment Tools *PALS Rubrics *Linguafolio
LinguaFolio standards-based self-directed formative assessment tool THAT records ongoing learner progress displays student-selected evidence to validate proficiency self-assessment, and provides a comprehensive view of student performance
Linguafolio: 3 Parts
DOSSIER Digital text, audio, and video work samples MP3 files PodcastsBIOGRAPHY Language learning learning background background Can-do* statements statements Learning goals goals PASSPORT Global Profile in e-LF Summary snapshot of language learning and self- assessments Record of external assessments
LinguaFolio Proficiency-based Nationally and internationally aligned Learner-centered FREE
e-LinguaFolio / /
LinguaFolio Outcomes Makes the language learning process transparent. Provides learners with a way to reflect on their intercultural experiences. Serves as a tool for students to manage their language learning. Serves as a tool for students to manage their language learning.
Create Your Own Linguafolio
LinguaFolio: Biography Reflection pieces – Language activities – Intercultural experiences Self-assessment checklists Goals
LinguaFolio: Biography How Do I Learn? Reflection on organization and language learning strategies Complete individually! Share observations on how you might use this in your classroom
LinguaFolio: Biography Self – assessment checklists – I can do this easily and well. – This is one of my goals. Interpersonal Interpretive – Listening – Reading Presentational – Speaking – Writing
DOSSIER Digital text, audio, and video work samples mp3 files Podcasts
“I Can” Self-Assessment Checklists with Evidence Upload Area (Dossier)
PASSPORT Summary snapshot of language learning and self- assessments Record of external assessments
LinguaFolio: Passport
Linguafolio Training
If you would like to be considered for this opportunity, please complete the application at no later than noon on Wednesday, April 17, If you are selected for one of the focus groups, you will receive an invitation with details and logistics for May 6, 2013, which will include information about travel arrangements and reimbursement. Please direct any questions to Nadja Trez and/or Ann Marie Gunter via at and Linguafolio Research Study
Resource Share Oral Histories Ohio FL Model Assessment ProjectWL Resources Page Learn NC European Union Toporopa
District Document Alignment Task: Begin work on district documents in groups. Timelines: French III, IV, AP Spanish III, IV, AP, Native Speakers German ALL LEVELS Latin ALL LEVELS
Meeting Wrap Up *** 3 Star Exit Ticket ***