Tat’yana Tsarenko Form 11. The first reason is that my dad works as a teacher and I want to follow his footsteps. Secondly, it is a very ancient and respected.


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Presentation transcript:

Tat’yana Tsarenko Form 11

The first reason is that my dad works as a teacher and I want to follow his footsteps. Secondly, it is a very ancient and respected profession, teachers revered since ancient times. Thirdly, at present, there’s a great shortage of teachers, since most of them work according to their specialty. In this University there are very many highly - qualified teachers. In the end, I would like to say that our school has a teacher who I wanted to be very similar, you can even say that they are my role models.

Founded on October 16, 1930, as the agro-pedagogical Institute (later the pedagogical), it became one of the first higher educational institutions in the Far East. In 1980, for the achievements in training of the pedagogical staff Institute was awarded the order «Sign of Honour». In 1995 the Blagoveshchensk state pedagogical Institute received the status of University and 23 December 1996 renamed in Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University.

The state pedagogical University is one of the largest scientific and pedagogical centers of the Far East of Russia. The history of the University dates from 1930 and has been for more than half a century, the state pedagogical University prepares highly qualified teaching staff for schools of the Amur region and the whole far Eastern region; pet become scientists, writers, journalists, politicians. Training in Blagoveschensk state pedagogical University involves the study of special disciplines, psychological-pedagogical training, acquaintance with principles of social and economic Sciences. In the study plan of each of the faculty of not less than 200 hours are spent on learning a foreign language (English, German, French). In the evening time free from the main lessons may be taught at the faculty of additional professions.

Reception of applications and documents from entrants is conducted technical secretaries of the admissions Committee, appointed by order of the rector of BSPU. Reception at the state pedagogical University is performed according to the personal request of citizens. In a statement on the admission of applicants indicate favorite direction of training (specialty), faculty, form of learning (full-time, part-time, correspondence, externship), conditions of entrance and education (on a General basis, the target, with payment of cost). Persons who shall be designated to be financed from the Federal budget of Russia indicate that the education of this level they get for the first time. Reception of applications is:  from June 13 through June, 30 places, financed from the Federal budget-campus, for acting on a General basis and targeted recruitment;  to places with payment of cost of training on the basis of contracts with legal and (or) physical persons - from 20 June to 10 August.

 When applying, applicants have to admissions passport, identity and nationality.  To the application for admission, applicants are making:  document of the state sample on the average (full) General education, secondary or vocational education or its copy;  6 photos (size 3 x 4 cm;  the documents granting the right to privileges established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for persons applying for such benefits).  Applicants for the faculty of physical culture and sports, provide a health certificate.  Copy of education certificate certified by a notary or in the admissions office upon presentation of the original.

 INDUSTRIAL-PEDAGOGICAL FACULTY Department of technology, business and methods of teaching  DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS Chair of sports disciplines  PSYCHOLOGY-PEDAGOGICAL FACULTY Chair of psychology

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