~Soviet Union Block 4~ Lex Shackles, Dale Stoltzfus, Kim Kassinger.


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Presentation transcript:

~Soviet Union Block 4~ Lex Shackles, Dale Stoltzfus, Kim Kassinger

Five Year Plan

1928 Stalin proposed several "Five Years Plans" This was aimed at building a heavy industry, improving transportation, and increasing farm output. Brought all economic activity under government control.

Command Economy Government Officials made all basic economic decisions.

Collectivization in Agriculture

Stalin brought agriculture under government control. Government wanted farmers to produce more grain to feed workers in the cities. Also hoped to sell grain abroad to earn money.


Large farms owned and operated by peasants as a group. *Government would provide tractors, fertilizers, and better seeds. *Peasants would learn modern methods *They were permitted to keep their houses, and belongings. -But animals and implements were to be turned over to the collective.

States set all prices and controlled access to farm supplies. BUT Some peasants did not want to give up their land and sell their crops at the states low prices.

They resisted by: ~Killing farm animals ~Destroying tools ~Burning crops

Stalin believed that KULAKS(wealthy farmers) were behind the resistance.

Stalin was furious and responded with brutal force! His intention?

"Liquidate the Kulaks as a class" The government confiscated their land and sent them to labor camps. 1000s were killed died from being overworked.

A brutal labor camp where people that disagreed with stalin's ideas were sent and where many people died. The Gulag

The Great Purge This began as a result of Stalin being afraid of rival parties that he thought were plotting against him. During this time Stalin and his secret police cracked down on army heroes, industrial managers, writers, and ordinary citizens and charged them of a wide range of crimes, from counterrevolutionary plots to failure to meet production quotas. The majority of people that commited a crime were either sent to the Gulag or killed.

Comintern or Communist International was an organization that encouraged world-wide revolution. It helped revolutionary groups around the world and urged colonial people to go against imperialist powers. Comintern

Propaganda Stalin tried to increase morale and faith in the communist system by making himself like a God. He used propaganda to make him into a godlike figure that people would follow or look up to. He used propaganda on -headlines in newspapers -movies -theater -schools -billboards -posters -radios -loudspeakers

Censorship During Stalins reign there were many regulations when it came to publishing anything. Stalin did not want anything published that does not show Soviet life in a positive way or that does not promote hope in the communist future. The things stalin censored were what books were published, what music was heard, and which works of art were displayed If they refused to adjust to the expectations of the government then they will face persecution.

Socialist Realism and Russification Stalin had a heavy hand of contol over writing and the arts. He requierd artists and writers to make there arts surrounding Social Realism. Its goal was to show Communism as a good thing. Stalin also promoted Russification. Its goal was to make a nationallity more Russian.

Atheism The Communist party tried to control the people by getting rid of there religious faith. So they made Atheism the belief of no god a state policy. Many church officals were killed or sent to prison camps. Religious relics and simbols were removed from churches and most churches were converted into offices.

Women In The Soviet Union Under communist rule women won equality. They gained education and job oppertunitys. By the 1930's women had jobs in medicine, engineering, science, construction, factories, and collectives. Within wages women were important because men and women made the same amount of money.

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Communism Benefits All children were required to attend communist built schools. Medical care was provided to all citizens. Inexpencive housing. Drawbacks Even though the state built massive apartment conplexes housing was scarce. Bread was in grate supply meat,fish,friuts, and vegetables were in short supply.