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Presentation transcript:

INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS Presentation by Chris Gladwyn Traffic Control Systems Hertfordshire Highways

Aims and Objectives Integrate new and existing Network Management Systems in Hertfordshire Future proof technology Actively manage HCC Network Integrate HCC, HA & neighbouring LA strategies Build Integrated Traffic Control Centre

Hertfordshire ITS Projects Urban Traffic Control system (UTC) renewal Urban Traffic Management & Control (UTMC) common database Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) / Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Variable Message Signs (VMS) Car Park Guidance Signs (CPGS) Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

UTC Renewal Existing instation system Supplied by Peek Traffic Ltd in 2000 Owned by HCC Identified as life expired System unstable, 85 software patches Does not have functionality to meet future aspirations and LTP objectives

Overview of UTC Architecture

UTC Renewal Outstations Replace existing legacy Outstation Transmission Units (OTU’s) Bring compliance with UTMC principles Embracing the efficiencies of IP transmission

UTC Renewal - Benefits The UTC system runs SCOOT (Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Techniques) software. SCOOT achieves an average saving in delay of about 12% over validated Fixed Time Plans. Additional savings of 3% per year are likely for every year that a Fixed Time Plan ages. Communication costs reduced by approx. 60%

UTC Renewal Timescales Contract award September 2010 System delivered February 2011

UTMC Common Database (CDB) CDB is the UTMC central hub, enabling A coordinated, centralised approach to monitoring and managing traffic A traffic and travel website Distribution of transport information via the media (radio/TV/Smart phones) A consolidated, single user interface Close co-ordination with adjoining Local Authorities and the Highways Agency Contributes to a number of LTP objectives Potential applications which can be facilitated through the implementation of the UTMC CDB, to meet the councils’ objectives include: Provide a coordinated, centralised approach to effectively monitoring and manage traffic incidents and congestion in the region. A traffic and travel website, which collates and disseminates information from all council owned traffic management systems, as well as from external parties such as public transport operators to allow the travelling public to make informed decisions about when and how they travel. Distribution of transport information via the media (Radio/TV). Support for the implementation of the Integrated Transport Control Centre, by providing a consolidated, single interface to allow users to be able to incorporate and access all monitoring, informing and controlling tools. Enable close co-ordination with adjoining Local Authorities and the Highways Agency to facilitate smooth journeys across urban/inter-urban boundaries.

Existing HCC System Architecture

Overview of UTMC Architecture

UTMC CDB – Interdependencies Common Database interfaces with all ITS Systems Web portal may require links to corporate networks Council staff may want access to functions of the CDB

UTMC CDB Time Scales Contract award October 2010 System delivered February 2011

AVL/RTPI - Objectives Provide reliable real-time information to passengers through a variety of systems and communications media Provide a voice and data communications platform Enable bus priority at traffic signals Provide a vehicle location and control system Be compatible with AVL/RTPI systems operating in other counties and with other transport providers Enhance passenger security Provide information to drivers to aid timekeeping

AVL/RTPI Architecture

AVL/RTPI - Benefits Modal shift +1% increase in passengers across London +5% in Bristol and Liverpool +8% in East Kent +28% Leicester Benefits 9 seconds reduction of delay per bus per junction in London at VA sites with traditional priority 10 to 20+ seconds reduction of delay per bus per junction in Leeds at VA sites with intelligent priority 18% reduction in journey time on a route in Gateshead

AVL/RTPI Time Scales Contract award March 2010 System delivered February 2011-2016

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Journey Time Monitoring System (JTMS) Journey Time Measurement using ANPR provides traffic data by identifying the same vehicle at two or more points in a road network from the recognition of the vehicle's number plate. ANPR cameras are strategically deployed to capture number plates along road networks providing real time monitoring, which in turn formulates travel times along the road network.

ANPR/JTMS - Benefits Live monitoring of the effectiveness of traffic management schemes Early warning of traffic incidents Improve journey time reliability Reduce disruption caused by major incidents Provide alternative route advice to minimise the effect of congestion and incidents Minimise delays due to roadworks Influence road users' decisions before they set out on a journey about route, time and means of travel Reduce the effects of congestion

Variable Message Signs (VMS) Provision of information in a timely manner Local incident management Reduction in delay Supporting diversion routes and controlling traffic on these routes

Car Park Guidance Signs Excess queues at car parks; • Congestion on the surrounding road network; • Poor air quality Provides greatest benefit when demand for off-street parking is approximately equal to supply

CCTV Incident detection and management Provide traffic information through various media services Manage traffic in urban areas through the use of an UTMC system Monitor weather conditions of highway