Definitions Fact Opinion
Rank the following in order of trustworthiness (1 = the most truthful) Which relies more on truth? online news articles Web message boards blogs print and television advertisements, speeches Debates the candidates' own official Web sites
How Ads Persuade Bandwagon: In this technique, the creator makes it seem like "everyone" is doing a certain thing or supporting a particular candidate. Think of a political ad that shows a crowd of people around a candidate and says, "250,000 voters can't be wrong." Negativity: In this case, the ad or text creator focuses mainly on making the other candidate look bad—by listing failures or taking his or her quotes out of context, for example. Warm & Fuzzy: Ads or fliers that use this technique show a candidate kissing babies, shaking hands with elderly voters, petting ponies on a farm—anything to make the candidate seem like a regular, friendly guy or gal.
Past Ads
What techniques were used? Were they effective? How have ads changed? McGovern – Change Reagan – 1984 Reagan- Bear Mondale – Nuclear Bush JR -
Homework Create a political ad for Socrates. One page description of ad. (radio, internet, print, &TV)