1 LAL Orsay 13 th April 2015 Sachio Komamiya Recent Progress on ILC in Japan.


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Presentation transcript:

1 LAL Orsay 13 th April 2015 Sachio Komamiya Recent Progress on ILC in Japan

WorldwideJapan 1965: LC concept proposed by M. Tigner 1966-: Stanford Linear Accelerator 1960’-70’ : SLC operation 1980’-90’s: JLC(X,C-band), NLC(X-band), S-band, TESLA and CLIC design study and R&D started 1994: ICFA Statement on Major High-Energy Facilities 1996: ACFA established 1996: NLC ZDR published 1997: 1 st ACFA Statement on LC 1999: ICFA Statement on LCs 1980’-90’ 1986: Recommendation by JHEPC 1980’s: JLC design study and R&D started 1992: JLC-I published 1997: JHEPC Subcommittee Recommendation 1997: LC Project Office set up at KEK 2001: TESTA TDR 2001: 2 nd ACFA Statement on LC 2002: ILCSC set up under ICFA 2003: FALC established 2004: OECD Ministerial Statement on International Co- operation on Large-Accelerator-based Projects in HEP 2004: ICFA Statement on LC 2004: ITRP Technology Choice for LC 2005: ILC GDE started, led by B. Barish 2007: ILC Ref. Design Report (RDR) 2008: ICFA Statement on Funding for the LC 2000’ 2001: LC Project Committee set up at KEK 2003: GLC Project Report published 2008: Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science and Technology (AAA) established 2008: Federation of Diet Members Promoting the ILC established 2012: CLIC Conceptual Design (CDC) 2013: ILC Tech. Design Report (TDR) 2013: ILCSC to LCB under ICFA 2013: LCC started, led by L. Evans 2013 Sept: ACFA/AsiaHEP Statement on ILC 2014 Jan and July: ICFA Statements on ILC 2010’ 2012 Feb: JAHEP Subcommittee Report 2012 May: ILC Strategy Council formed under JAHEP 2012 Oct: JAHEP Proposal for the ILC 2013 August: Report by ILC Site Evaluation Comm. of Japan 2013 Sept: SCJ Report on the ILC Project 2013 Sept: The ILC Project to MEXT by KEK DG 2013 : Taskforce established at MEXT 2014 Jan: Planning Office for the ILC set up at KEK 2014 May: Special Committee on ILC set up in MEXT with two WGs (Physics, TDR) Advances in Linear Collider Programs (ver150409b)

Necessary Steps 1.Scientists (lead by ICFA): Technology choice (2003)  R&D, International concept, and international proposal TDR ( ) 2.Japanese Government: official reviews and investigations on the feasibility of the project (Now) 3.Government-to-government: discussion for forming framework of international negotiation (Now) 4.A decision to proceed by the government  Negotiations for sharing of resources 5.International agreement  International approval

Report by the Science Council of Japan September 2013 (Official English translation) … The Committee suggests that the government of Japan should (1)secure the budget required for the investigation of various issues to determine the possibility of hosting the ILC, and (2)conduct intensive studies and discussions among stakeholders, including authorities from outside high-energy physics as well as the government bodies involved for the next two to three years.... In parallel, it is necessary to have discussions with the research institutes and the responsible funding authorities of key countries and regions involved outside of Japan, and to obtain clear understanding of the expected sharing of the financial burden. (Official English translation) … The Committee suggests that the government of Japan should (1)secure the budget required for the investigation of various issues to determine the possibility of hosting the ILC, and (2)conduct intensive studies and discussions among stakeholders, including authorities from outside high-energy physics as well as the government bodies involved for the next two to three years.... In parallel, it is necessary to have discussions with the research institutes and the responsible funding authorities of key countries and regions involved outside of Japan, and to obtain clear understanding of the expected sharing of the financial burden. (Official English translation) … The Committee suggests that the government of Japan should (1)secure the budget required for the investigation of various issues to determine the possibility of hosting the ILC, and (2)conduct intensive studies and discussions among stakeholders, including authorities from outside high-energy physics as well as the government bodies involved for the next two to three years.... In parallel, it is necessary to have discussions with the research institutes and the responsible funding authorities of key countries and regions involved outside of Japan, and to obtain clear understanding of the expected sharing of the financial burden.

MEXT’s Organization for Studying ILC 5 MEXT Particle & Nuclear Phys. Working Group formed in 2014 TDR Validation Working Group formed in 2014 SCJ ILC Taskforce formed in 2013 Academic Experts Committee formed in 2014 Recommendation in A. Yamamoto, LCB ILC Acc. Status

Progress in MEXT Academic Expert Committee for the ILC Particle and Nuclear Physics WG TDR Verification WG (* closed mtg ) 1 st Academic Expert Committee (2014/05/08) 1st : 6/ Status and Prospect for Particle Physics ILC Project and the Physics 1 st : 6/30TDR and the cost, generally reported 2nd : 7/29Strategies at EU and Americas 2 nd : 7/28* SRF and the cost 3rd : 8/27Cosmic-ray and astrophysics ILC Science Objectives 3 rd : 9/8*SRF and the cost (continued) CFS 4th : 9/22Flavor and Neutrino Physics ILC Science Objectives 4 th : 11/4* ILC construction cost 5th : 10/21Summary discussion for a report 2 nd Academic Expert Committee (2014/11/14) 6th : 1/ Experience from SSC ILC Science Objectives 5 th : 1/26*ILC Accelerator and human resources 7th : 2/17 Science Objectives per 6 th : 3/2* Summary discussions 8th : 3/30Summary discussion for a report 3 rd Academic Expert Committee (2015/4/21) 6

MEXT, ILC Physics WG Members T.Kajita : Chair, Director of Institute of Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. Tokyo – Cosmic-ray physics, S. Okamura: Hosei Univ., (former Professor of Univ. Tokyo) -- Astrophysics H. Koiso: Head for KEK-B Accelerator of KEK -- Accelerator S. Komamiya: Chair, HEP Committee of Japan, University of Tokyo – Particle physics H. Sakai: RIKEN, and former Prof. of Univ. of Tokyo. – Nuclear physics H. Shimizu: Tohoku University – Nuclear Physics S. Tanahashi: Nagoya University -- Particle Physics (theory) K. Tokushuku: Deputy Director of IPNS (physics), KEK, Particle physics T. Nakano: Osaka University, Director of RCNP – Nuclear physics, T. Nakaya : Kyoto University – Particle physics (neutrino), T. Hatsuta: RIKEN -- Nuclear and Hadron Physics (Theory), S. Matsumoto: IPMU, University of Tokyo, Particle physics (Theory), M. Yamauchi, Director of IPNS (Physics), KEK – Particle physics, T. Yamanaka ; Osaka University, -- Particle physics (rare K decay), H. Yokoyama, University of Tokyo – Science literacy, public relation in S&T 14/09/10MEXT Actions for ILC7

8 ( Draft) Report to the Academic Experts Committee Regarding the International Linear Collider (ILC) : Outline The Particle and Nuclear Physics Working Group: (submitted to “MEXT Academic Expert Committee for ILC held on 21 April, 2015) Personally Translated by K. Fujii and edited by A.Yamamoto, 6 April, Scientific Significance (Role of ILC Concerning the Future Perspectives of Particle Physics ) ○History and current status of elementary particle physics: ・ Elementary particle physics has been making a great progress along with advances of particle accelerators, in recent years, with that of colliding accelerators in particular. ・ By the end of the 20 th century the correctness of the Standard Model of particle physics had turned out to be quite solid. ・ In 2012, the Higgs boson that gives masses to elementary particles was discovered. ・ It has also been widely recognized that the Standard Model would not be the ultimate theory. ・ The mainstream of particle physics is now shifting to the quest for physics beyond the Standard Model.

9 ○The International Linear Collider (ILC) is a facility to do experiments and searches concerning the following items: ① Full elucidation of the Higgs boson properties and precision studies of the top quark ② Searches for new particles (such as super-symmetric particles) ③ Others (such as dark matter and extra dimensions) ○There are significant scientific meanings as targets of future elementary particle physics to study the items listed above. 2. Cost (Excerpt from the TDR validation WG report) ○The accelerator and the tunnels to house it: about 8,300 x 10 8 JYen. (In addition, costs for the detectors to observe collision events and labor for construction, etc. will be needed.) ○Total cost for the construction of the accelerator facility: about 1.1 x JYen (including labor). ○Running cost: about 400 x 10 8 JYen/year. ○The cost is to be internationally shared.

10 3. Past examples of construction costs in accelerator facility implementations ① Examples in Japan J-PARC > ・ ② Examples overseas LHC at CERN > There was a prospect for the Higgs discovery at the time of the construction start based on the experimental data available by that time and the standard model assumption. However, the discovery would have been made by some other experiment before the LHC. 4. Experiments that ILC will be able to carry out as described in the TDR ・ The next target of elementary particle physics is to discover “new phenomena beyond the Standard Model”. The ILC will enable the following: ・ Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model through precision measurements of the Higgs boson and the top quark. ・ Searches for supersymmetric (SUSY) particles (Note that the LHC after its energy-upgrade will also search for strongly interacting SUSY particles (mainly in 2015~2017)). ・ Searches for dark matter particles and extra dimensions etc.

11 5. View points for judging if the scientific case is matching the investment ○The optimal strategic prospects for research should be clarified based on the results of searches for strongly interacting SUSY particles, etc. at the 13TeV LHC. ○In order to carry out the research program according to the optimal strategic prospects, it is necessary to reassess the appropriateness of the performance described in the ILC TDR. ○Since the ILC is an international project that requires the enormous cost, significant international cost sharing should be prerequisite, considering the budgetary situation in Japan. ○Considering the scale of the necessary investment for the ILC project, it is important to get understanding and cooperation from communities of other fields. ○In case timely decision should not be made concerning the ILC project implementation, the project might lose its international appeal. It is hence important to formulate a system so as not to delay the decision.

6. Scenarios at the ILC based on anticipated achievements at the 13TeV LHC (1)In the case of discovery of a new particle (which appears to be consistent with SUSY): Strategy: Using the ILC, elucidate new physics phenomena behind the new particle through precision measurements of the Higgs boson, etc. If the ILC energy is sufficient, discovery of some other new particles linked to the LHC discovery is anticipated. (2) In the case of observation (or discovery) of events hinting at a new phenomenon (dark matter, etc.) other than the above: Strategy: Scrutinize the new phenomenon discovered at the LHC. (3) In the case of no discovery of any new particle or phenomenon at the 13TeV LHC: Strategy: Search for physics beyond the standard model through precision measurements of the Higgs boson, etc. Search also for new particles that are difficult to find at the LHC. Investigate in detail possible reason for the non-discovery at the 13TeV LHC and examine whether energy upgrade would be necessary in the future or not.

ILC TDR Verification WG Memebership H. Yokomizo Chair, Former Deputy Director for JPARC Center – Accelerator Science T. Koseki KEK, Head of JPARC Linear Accelerator --- Accelerator Science T. KatoJAEA, Deputy Director for JPARC Center --- Cryogenics S. KamigaitoRIKEN, Head of Accelerators – Accelerator Science T. Kumagai JASRI, Trustee – Accelerator Science H. KoisoKEK, Head of KEK-B Accelerator – Accelerator Science S. Sasaki Hiroshima U. --- Accelerator Science and Photon Science H. Tanaka RIKEN, Spring Accelerator Science F. NaitoKEK, Head of JPARC Linear Accelerators – Accelerator Science K. NodaNIRM – Accelerator Science and Medical Application 14/09/10MEXT Actions for ILC13

Outline of the Status Report of ILC-TDR Verification WG reported to the 2 nd MEXT ILC “Academic Expert” Committee, on 14 November, ILC Cost Estimate Summary in TDR converted to JYen 1)Acc. constr. (material) :8,309 Oku-Yen (Labor) : M person-hrs (  ~ 1,600 Oku-Yen) 2)Det. Constr. (material): 766 Oku-Yen (Labor) : 2,148-person-yrs (  ~ 240 Oku-Yen) 3)Exclusive in TDR : preparation budget, living environment, land acquisition, access road, life-line infra-structure, computing center etc. 4)Uncertainty: ~ 25 % 5)Annual operational cost in TDR; 491 Oku-Yen

Continued 2. Technical Issues and Cost Risks in TDR 1)Risks in the cost estimates remaining with; – Insufficient margin in cost because of the current achievement basis. – Possible cost increase caused by unexpected happening, and of less sufficient study on human resources required, 2)Technical reality/feasibility – Less design margin, with assuming the performance, based on the past research achievement to be realized in the project. – No demonstration yet of a sufficiently large scale system – Reproducibility of the component performance, in case that multiple vendors be distributed, worldwide 3)Human resource for construction, operation, and management – Necessary reliable plan for human resource for the ILC construction – Study of management for contract and system assembly etc.

Continued 2. Technical Issues and Cost Risks in TDR 1)Risks in the cost estimates remaining with; – Insufficient margin in cost because of the current achievement basis. – Possible cost increase caused by unexpected happening, and of less sufficient study on human resources required, 2)Technical reality/feasibility – Less design margin, with assuming the performance, based on the past research achievement to be realized in the project. – No demonstration yet of a sufficiently large scale system – Reproducibility of the component performance, in case that multiple vendors be distributed, worldwide 3)Human resource for construction, operation, and management – Necessary reliable plan for human resource for the ILC construction – Study of management for contract and system assembly etc.

Continued 3. Points to be considered in further process 1)International Cooperation – Consensus/agreement for safety and legal regulation 2)Others needed to: – Consider available budget limitation in our country. – Watch the various constraints in each country – Maximize feedback from the R&D progress for further improvement of the accelerator performance.

Government Evaluation JFY Summary MEXT Panel for ILC MEXT Panel for ILC Scientific significance (Particle/Nuclear Physics WG) Scientific significance (Particle/Nuclear Physics WG) Technology/Cost reliability (TDR Evaluation WG)  to deliver interim report (~ spring/summer 2015) Technology/Cost reliability (TDR Evaluation WG)  to deliver interim report (~ spring/summer 2015) summary of cost, human resources, issues to solve, summary of cost, human resources, issues to solve, Impact on economy and technological applications MEXT gives a charge to the Nomura Research Institute Visit EU, US, Asia  Report by the end of the FY2014 Visit EU, US, Asia  Report by the end of the FY2014 International Sharing (cost, personnel) prospects by MEXT, foreign governments MEXT, foreign governments Pubic understanding (National publicity and understanding)

Kitakami Researchers assessment result Linear Collier Collaboration (lead by Lyn Evans) Starting the detailed design

INDUSTRY SECTORS Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology AAA organization improved in 2014 Reformed as a general incorporated association Key technology development and cost reduction Key technology development and cost reduction Use of Media and SNS to promote public understanding Use of Media and SNS to promote public understanding Promote industry application of accelerator technology from ILC and others Promote industry application of accelerator technology from ILC and others Expanding the manufacturing process of accelerator projects in the private sector Expanding the manufacturing process of accelerator projects in the private sector Study urban development, maximizing ripple effects Study urban development, maximizing ripple effects Donations Donations 100 companies, 40 universities and research institutions

Support from policy-makers: August 6, 2013 Presented Resolution and Policy Report to PM Shinzo Abe “The ILC should be promoted as a Prime Minister project, to be funded separately from the normal government budget, in the growth-for-Japan framework in view of the national strategic areas” (partial translation of resolution) (150+ Diet Members, March 2014) Chair: Mr. Takeo Kawamura Secretary-General: Mr. Ryu Shionoya Federation of Diet Members (Multiple Parties) Support from Business Communities Japan Associatoin of Corporate Executives (April 2013, August 2013) Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (August 2013) Japan Business Federation (January 20, 2014) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Election support speeches & interviews in Tohoku regions concerning the ILC: “Project merit is understood. Issues are cost and especially international sharing.”

April 30, 2013 in Washington, DC Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology centered on the ILC Towards an international laboratory Takeo Kawamura Chair, Federation of Diet Members for ILC Daniel B Poneman Acting Secretary of Energy Ryu Shionoya, Secretary General, Federation of Diet Members for ILC (third from right) Hakubun Shimomura MEXT Minister Hiroya Masuda Japan Policy Council Chairman

Mr. Ryu Shionoya Secretary-General of Federation Mr. Takeo Kawamura Chair of Federation Mr. Hirofumi Nakasone President of Japan-US Parliamentary Friendship League Federation of Diet Members for ILC Visit to Washington, DC July 21-24, 2014 Roundtable Former Ambassador’s Residence Office of S&T Policy DOE Scientists from Ambassador’s Residence Dr. William Colglazier, Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State Dr. France Cordova, Director of NSF Others

KEK, Tsukuba, April Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2015 is the next in the series of regional linear collider workshops held around the world. The purpose of the workshop is to enhance the study of the physics cases and to advance the accelerator and detector designs for future electron positron linear colliders. The workshop is held at a critical moment for ILC in Japan. AAA and LCC organize the ILC Tokyo Event on April 22 at the University of Tokyo. A symposium and ILC Food Festa will be held. We will join the event. The workshop web is at Please register and come to the workshop !

Summary MEXT of Japan is seriously investigating ILC project as an official process. MEXT of Japan is seriously investigating ILC project as an official process. In Japan, Federation of the Diet members, Industry sectors (Advanced Accelerator Association), and Local governments strongly support the project. In Japan, Federation of the Diet members, Industry sectors (Advanced Accelerator Association), and Local governments strongly support the project. Recognitions of the project at high level of government proceed (Japan: Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, high-level officers. US: OSTP Presidential advisor, Secretary of DOE, officers. ) Next is for EU countries. Recognitions of the project at high level of government proceed (Japan: Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, high-level officers. US: OSTP Presidential advisor, Secretary of DOE, officers. ) Next is for EU countries. Diplomatic discussion has been started among governments of US, EU and Japan. Will expand to Asian countries. Need researchers’ supports. Diplomatic discussion has been started among governments of US, EU and Japan. Will expand to Asian countries. Need researchers’ supports.