Can criminals be rehabilitated?
Rehabilitation means: To restore to useful life, as through therapy and education Criminal Rehabilitation includes the therapy and education programs for criminals in prison life or outside of prison. Instead of Punishment, they are taught how to live a better life. Can criminals be rehabilitated? Some say that going through rehabilitation teaches criminals to be safer and be a better person. Others say that it is no use because criminals will not learn from their mistakes.
About 10% of Canadian adults are criminals Approx 110 in every 100,000 people are in jail on average over 60% of released prisoners return to jail Recidivism rates are between 50-80% Our current prison system has overcrowding & other issues Approx. 35,000 people are in Canadian jails everyday
The US has become the country with the most people incarcerated In 2002, the US jail population exceeded 2 million In the USA approximately 738 in every 100,000 people are in jail In other countries there is more emphasis on rehabilitation For example in Cuba, where there are approximately 190 in every 100,000 people in jail
1: Criminal behaviour is established at an early age 2: Criminal behaviour is hereditary Rhee and Waldman analysed a large amount of twin studies and adoption studies relating to anti social behaviour. They concluded that the genetic background of the people in the studies played a big role on whether they showed anti social behaviour. 3: Criminal Psychopaths cannot be rehabilitated The study showed that the rate at which the psychopaths committed the crimes as well as the violence of those crimes increased. 4: According to Andrew Vachss (1993), many criminals like Westley Allan Dodd like what they do and intend to keep on doing it. "If I do escape I promise you, I will kill and rape again, and I will enjoy every minute of it." -Westley Allan Dodd
Safer Communities Decreased amount of criminals roaming the society; letting criminals having a chance of a new and better life CRIMINION CORCAN Lion Heart
Used in France, Germany, Indonesia, Russia, U.K., Maine, Alberta and more Must pass with 100% on the “exam” Classes: - The Way to Happiness - Learning Skills for Life - Understanding and Overcoming Addiction - How to Deal with Ups and Downs of Life - Successful Parenting Skills Course
CORCAN is a key rehabilitation program of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). CORCAN's mission is to help offenders into Canadian society by providing employment and employability skills training for imprisoned offenders in federal facilities, for brief periods of time after they are released into the community. CORCAN work program leads to a reduction in recidivism (repeating of a crime) Public safety is enhanced.
Public safety Provides a second chance for offenders Help bring down the numbers of repeat offenders who only end up back in jail once again Offer help so offenders can adapt to society once again Helps to provide criminals with an education that can help them get good jobs when they are released from prison 80 % of men and womenwill have committed ten or twenty more crimes before being arrested again and sent back to prison (of 31,000 people) purpose of punishment is to show disapproval for the offender’s wrongdoing The criminal justice system must stand by it’s rules and laws in order for society to see that the system is not easy to get by Cannot completely prove that the criminal has “changed for the better”
Minor offenders could receive the rehabilitation; they must pass with 100% but re-offending and serious offenders should not have this option and must receive their punishment to realize their wrong doings.
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Criminons Around The World. (n.d.). Criminon Rehabilitation Program. Retrieved January 16, 2012, from Rafter. (n.d.). farum. Retrieved January 16, 2012, from Title. (n.d.). Correctional Service of Canada - CORCAN - Employment Skills Training At Work. Correctional Service of Canada Welcome Page | Service correctionnel du Canada Page d'accueil. Retrieved January 16, 2012, from contrast., offender, u. a., consistent, p. (., & approach., f. (n.d.). Rehabilitation vs Retribution: Debatabase - Debate Topics and Debate Motions. IDEA: International Debate Education Association - Debate Resources & Debate Tools. Retrieved January 16, 2012, from cID=307