CASE STUDY: TIMIŞOARA, ROMANIA Monitoring the Urban Dimension in EU Cohesion Policy
o Second biggest Romanian city after Bucharest o Important economic center (80% from the county economic result, 30% from the region, unemployment rate < 2%) o Attractive destination for foreign investors (> 8% from the foreign investments value at national level) o University excellence center ( students) o Innovative city (52 research institutes) o Intensive multicultural life TIMISOARA
Development potential of individual FUAs Draft Trend Scenario 2020 (February 2006)
National Policy for Policentric development
ROP / AXIS 1 “Support for the sustainable development of cities – growth poles” o OBJECTIV: encouraging the development of growth poles in order to achievea balanced development of the country o AREA: city + communities from the “area of influence” joint into an association o DOCUMENTS: IUDP, individual projects 70 Mio Euro + Funds from other OPs o FUNDS: 70 Mio Euro + Funds from other OPs (nominated by Government Decision Nr. 98/ )
ROP / AXIS 1 Eligible activities Rehabilitation of urban infrastructure and improvement of the urban services o Rehabilitation of urban infrastructure and improvement of the urban services urban public infrastructure transport and mobility of the population cultural heritage o Sustainable development of business environment o Rehabilitation of social infrastructure, including social housing and improvement of social services
o Population: inhabitants(100%) - core city: inhabitants (87%) - influence area: inhabitants (13%) o Surface: ha (100%) - core city: ha (12%) - influence area: ha (88%) o Economic turnover ( ): 100,0% - core city: 91,4%- influence area: 8,6% GROWTH POLE TIMISOARA - BASIC DATA -
Strategy for Timisoara growth pole Strong point: The historic districts
Strong point: The Bega-Banks Strategy for Timisoara growth pole
Strong point: The historic districts
GROWTH POLE TIMISOARA - PROPOSED INTERVENTION - o Rehabilitation of urban infrastructure in the core of the influence area – city center o Extension of the urban public transport network to the communities o Improving the traffic connection and management o Revitalization of o Revitalization of cultural heritage o Development of business facilities in the influence area – transfer of functions from urban area o Improvement of social services of the area
MAIN PROJECTS Rehabilitation of public space
MAIN PROJECTS Rehabilitation of public space
MAIN PROJECTS Rehabilitation of public space
MAIN PROJECTS Revitalisation of Bega banks
MAIN PROJECTS Improving the traffic connection and management
MAIN PROJECTS Development of business facilities in the influence area – transfer of functions from urban area
o There is a special EU program dedicated to the urban development o First strategy for national development based on polar policy o The concept of growth-poles supports directly the urban development of core city and indirectly the development of the rural areas o The program stimulate the cooperation between local public administrations POSITIVE ASPECTS:
o The methodology is over-ambitious and therefore too time-consuming o A legal framework delimitation of area/establishment of the association is still missing o The polar policy was compromised by the artificial multiplication of poles (7 growing poles, 13 development poles, over 70 urban poles) o Only investments are eligible. Social networks or activities are not taken into consideration CRITICAL REMARKS :
CITY HALL OF TIMISOARA Arh. Aurelia JUNIE Director Development Department Tel/fax: