GRACE ORDUNG Polycythemia
What is Polycythemia? Abnormal increase in blood cells Red, white and platelets Classified as a cancer Acquired not heredity Defect in gene JAK2 V617F
Symptoms, Complications and Risk Factors Itching, headache, dizziness, weakness, sweating, breathing problems, enlarged spleen, numbness, etc. Stroke, heart problems Increases with age, men more than women
Normal vs. Polycythemia Normal Hb Male: g/dL Female: g/dL Hematocrit Male: % Female % WBC: 3,500-10,500 cells/uL Platelets: ,000 platelets/uL PV Hb Male: > 18.5 g/dL Female: > 16.5 g/dL WBC: > 12,000 cells/uL Platelets: > 400,000 platelets/ uL
JAK2 V617F Gene Cause of defect unknown China Japan Union Hospital, Changchun, China 3935 donors Copenhagen City Heart Study 10,507 donors
Treatments Phlebotomies Asprinin, hydroxyurea, Interferon A Antihistamines Lifestyle changes