14/10/2015European Agency for Reconstruction1 Water & environment
14/10/2015European Agency for Reconstruction2 Environment 1/ – €13.5 million* Establishment of National Environmental Agency & Environmental Inspectorate Support to the preparation of Environmental Action Plan in cooperation with World Bank Preparation of 5 local Environmental Action Plans in selected municipalities Waste water project in Belgrade Emission control project for coal fired power plants Rehabilitation of Pancevo canal Serbia Economic reconstruction, regeneration & reform *Projects started in November 2002 and continuing in 2003
14/10/2015European Agency for Reconstruction3 Water & environment 1/ €4.5 million Development & implementation of key environmental legislation & effective water resource management Institutional support to Ministry of Environment & Spatial Planning Development of models for water supply & wastewater disposal systems in rural areas Kosovo Economic reconstruction, regeneration & reform
14/10/2015European Agency for Reconstruction4 Water & environment 2/ €43 million Institutional support to 12 public water utility providers in Pristina & Mitrovica Rehabilitation of ash dump hills near Kosovo A & B power stations Rehabilitation of ash waste hills & a disposal area at the Trepca metal processing plant Upgrading of & equipment for river gauging stations to help water resource planning Rehabilitation of Kosovo’s urban water supply & sanitation systems Upgrading of 20 waste disposal sites & 8 regional landfills Kosovo Economic reconstruction, regeneration & reform
14/10/2015European Agency for Reconstruction5 Water & environment 1/ – €4 million Preparation of a solid waste development master plan addressing institutional, environmental, financial & technical issues Establishment of regional solid waste utilities Restructuring of solid waste regulation & legislation Provision of waste collection equipment (containers, compactor trucks) Technical assistance to Ministry of Environment & municipal authorities Montenegro Economic reconstruction, regeneration & reform
14/10/2015European Agency for Reconstruction6 Water & environment 2/ – €1.7 million Feasibility study addressing problems in the coastal region, and complementing programmes aimed at establishing a water utility for the region Investment component – construction of a sewerage system & waste water treatment plant for the town of Virpazar located on the banks of the Skadar Lake Wastewater facilities to improve water quality in several municipalities Montenegro Economic reconstruction, regeneration & reform
14/10/2015European Agency for Reconstruction7 Environment 1/ – €1 million Improvement of management of trans- boundary water resources at Dojran lake & Vardar river FYR Macedonia Environment & natural resources
14/10/2015European Agency for Reconstruction8 Environment 2/ – €9.8 million Establishment of 6 working groups on environmental legislation, environmental awareness & data management Installation of three automatic air & two automatic water quality stations, upgrading of four monitoring laboratories Strengthening of capacity of Ministry of Environment & Physical Planning: provision of vehicles, installation of IT infrastructure Protection of river Vardar from chromium pollution FYR Macedonia Environment & natural resources