FROM STREET TO HOME Project of Rehabilitation and Insertion of Homeless People With Chronic Mentally ill: PRISEMI ( MADRID SPAIN ) PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project starts in 1989 initially as “innovative enterprise” in the frame of the European Program Poverty 3.Actually depend of the Family and Social Needs Council of Madrid and is working with the public support of the Town Hall of Madrid, and the psychiatric team of Health Council, and is tecnic managed depend on entity Group EXTER. Attends the homeless, mentally grave and chronic ill people of the city of Madrid. The PRISEMI project is made up of 3 teams with different physical locations and with specific and differentiated staff and functions coordinated for the global development of the project. TEAM 1 Psychologist, 1 social worker and 4 educators. ( This team work in close collaborations with the psychiatric atención team of Madrid. With 1 psychiatrist and 2 nurses) TARGET GROUP AND FIELD OF INTERVENTION The group aimed are the mentally ill homeless people in the city of Madrid and specially those in the central districts. FUNCTIONS AND GOALS Outreach and bringing the users to the services of sociosanitarian attention. To favour the psychiatric intervention and the pharmacological treatment. Assessment and intervention in the purpose of rehabilitation Basic intervention in the hygienic area, self care and personal autonomy. Activities aimed at damage control; alcohol and drugs. Social accompaniment To make possible the user’s access to other resources and/or normalized flats and to the professionals of other resources. Support to the low demand teams Resources management. Help in economic procedures TEAM 1 psychologits 4 educators TARGET GROUP AND FIELD OF INTERVENTION Attends the mentally ill people who live in the Centro de Acogida San Isidro (CASI) which pertains to the Town Hall of Madrid. The users oscillate between 60 and 70. FUNCTIONS AND GOALS Outreach to the users of the CASI the resources of Psychosocial Rehabilitation of the Family and Social Needs Council Plan. Fit the CASI’s users with the abilities and capacities considered as prerequisites so that they can and are in the situation of joining the plan rehabilitation´s resources i To prepare the users in order to benefit from their incorporation to the PRISEMI´s supervised flats. Through training programs in daily life activities. Psycoeducation, Personal Autonomy… TEAM 1 psychologits 4 educators TARGET GROUP AND FIELD OF INTERVENTION Attends the users from CASI. The flats team work exerts its functions in 5 flats disseminated in different areas of Madrid wit a total of 20 vacancies. Attention 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. FUNCTIONS AND GOALS To establish individualized rehabilitation plans and goals so that the user’s level of autonomy is increased and his quality of life improved. Assistance and medical and psychiatric follow up. To assure a dignified way of life relating to the physical context (cleanness, nourishment, flat hygiene, housing conditions..) and healthy habits (feeding, personal higiene, medical chekings…) To favour their social reintegration. To establish a context of the highest normalization, with the least professional support favouring their autonomy. SOCIAL SERVICES SAMUR SOCIAL DRUG REHABILITATION CENTERS HOMELESS RESOURCERS MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS ASOCIACIATIONS REHABILITATIONS CENTERS LABORAL CENTERS STEP 1 STREET STEP 2 RECEPTION CENTER STEP 3 SUPERVISED FLATS MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS Técnic managed GRUPO EXTER PROYECTO DE REHABILITACION E INSERCION SOCIAL DE ENFERMOS MENTALES CRONICOS SIN HOGAR ( PRISEMI) C/TORTOSA 6 1º C MADRID (SPAIN) TEL / FAX