NGO-s and political partys fight, to rehabilitate the river’s envinroment and navigations at the same time
Who are We? NGOs and Partys all those who means usage the ecological and natural values of Danube River Danube Circle – The first Hungarian NGO Asssociation of Danubian Settlements Green Party of Hungary – Green Democrats
What are our goals? Rehabilitation of Danube River with a transportation’s expansion
Discusson of NGOs More NGOs be are against river navigations There’s arguments often extravagant: Ships are contaminating the river The navigations disturbs nature To build navigations route to much interventions is needed The navigations are not so fast etc.
Our Oppinion: „navigare necesse est” The evinromental and navigations consideration RECONCILABLE! A compromise is needed
Considerations of Evinroment NATURA 2000 places at the riverside Water Framework Directive What to do at the bootle necks Other river functions (recreation)
Considerations of Envinroment The navigations is cheaper than the other. In the picture: with 5 ltr fuel carrying 1 tonne (km)
Considerations of Envinroment The dates of CO 2 emission shows, that the shipping is far better than the railway or trucks (gr/ tkm)
Different uses of a river Navigation Recreations, pleasure resort etc. Helping living conditions We must a long term plans
Considerations The next chart about a navigation. The transportation more cheaper and more evinroment friendly than other methods of transportations
Exportviszonylatok Exportálandó mennyiség Optimális fuvarozási mód Díjtétel Fuvardíj (Euro) Feladási helyRendeltetési hely(tonna) (Euro / tonna) MagyarországRománia Folyami 18, DunaújvárosBukarest Bosznia-Hercegovina Folyami 21, Sarajevo Szlovénia Vasúti25, Ljubljana Ausztria Folyami Bécs Németország Folyami 24, Krefeld Olaszország Közúti Róma Spanyolország Vasúti72, Madrid Törökország Folyami 49, Isztambul Hollandia Folyami Rotterdam Összesen %→79 %
Our Proposal Rehabilitation of side-arms Use a „Ro-Ro ships (low draudth)
Our Proposal – Our Intention The questions of the River usage just with COOPERATIONS disposal Different NGO opinions: - Nature protection - River rehabilitation - Recreation - Fishing, -Tourism etc. We support navigation, but with limited and deepening of the riverbed and we are against daming A compromised must be made, one takes the economical and ecological considerations equally
Our Proposal – our Intention The River is wide – She has a two riverside Condrad Lorenz: „Don’t change the course of the river, changed the size of the boots. Navigation, tourism and wildlife can live together
Our Proposal – our Intention Unilateral thinking is dangerous Instead of loosers we need winners
Our Proposal – our Intention To live together with the society Sustaniable development Industrial development in harmony with nature, to serve human needs
Thank You for Your Attention!