Disaster and Recovery
Australia’s Emergency Response Emergency task force established Emergency task force established AusAssist Plan activated AusAssist Plan activated RAAF Hercules begin delivery of essential supplies and medical teams RAAF Hercules begin delivery of essential supplies and medical teams Personnel deployed with UNDAC teams Personnel deployed with UNDAC teams Australian Government personnel deployed Australian Government personnel deployed Initial regional response - $60m Initial regional response - $60m Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (AIPRD) - $1billion Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (AIPRD) - $1billion
AIPRD Overview Announced by PM & Indonesia’s President Announced by PM & Indonesia’s President $1 billion $1 billion 5 years 5 years $500m grant aid and $500m concessional loans $500m grant aid and $500m concessional loans Additional to AusAID bilateral program ($.8b over 5 yrs) Additional to AusAID bilateral program ($.8b over 5 yrs) Partnership Partnership Focusing in and beyond Tsunami affected areas Focusing in and beyond Tsunami affected areas Emphasis Emphasis Long-term sustained cooperation Long-term sustained cooperation Economic and social development Economic and social development Rehabilitation and reconstruction Rehabilitation and reconstruction
AIPRD - Governance Joint Commission Joint Commission Overseen by PM and Indonesian President Overseen by PM and Indonesian President Foreign Ministers, Aust Treasurer and Indo Planning Minister Foreign Ministers, Aust Treasurer and Indo Planning Minister Set overall direction, priorities and annual workplan Set overall direction, priorities and annual workplan Secretaries Committee Secretaries Committee Chair DFAT, PM&C, Treasury, DoFA, AusAID Chair DFAT, PM&C, Treasury, DoFA, AusAID Oversight and Advise Australian Ministers Oversight and Advise Australian Ministers Secretariat Secretariat Joint agency Secretariat in DFAT Joint agency Secretariat in DFAT Senior Liaison Officer in Bappenas Senior Liaison Officer in Bappenas
AIPRD Early Priorities Rehabilitation - essential public services in Aceh - $50m Rehabilitation - essential public services in Aceh - $50m Repair hospital infrastructure (ie. Zainoel Abidin Hospital) Repair hospital infrastructure (ie. Zainoel Abidin Hospital) Restore health and education services Restore health and education services Restore local government services Restore local government services Government Partnership Fund - $50m Government Partnership Fund - $50m Support exchange of skills, knowledge and expertise between Australian Government agencies and Indonesian Government counterparts Support exchange of skills, knowledge and expertise between Australian Government agencies and Indonesian Government counterparts Economic governance Economic governance Public sector management Public sector management
AIPRD Early Priorities (cont’d) Disaster preparedness and post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction - $15m Disaster preparedness and post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction - $15m Rehabilitation of other disaster effected areas outside of Aceh - $5m Rehabilitation of other disaster effected areas outside of Aceh - $5m Developing Indonesia's capacity for managing / responding to natural disasters - $10m Developing Indonesia's capacity for managing / responding to natural disasters - $10m Closer partnership between Indonesia's disaster coordination agency (BAKORNAS) and Emergency Management Australia (EMA) Closer partnership between Indonesia's disaster coordination agency (BAKORNAS) and Emergency Management Australia (EMA) Boosting capacity of relevant Indonesian community organisations Boosting capacity of relevant Indonesian community organisations
AIPRD - Processes 1 st Joint Commission- 17 March st Joint Commission- 17 March 2005 guiding principles guiding principles governance arrangements governance arrangements loan framework loan framework early priorities early priorities procurement arrangements procurement arrangements Next steps Next steps Tsunami Reconstruction Workshops – Austrade/IFIs Tsunami Reconstruction Workshops – Austrade/IFIs Detailed project design Detailed project design Open tender process for Aus, NZ and Indo businesses Open tender process for Aus, NZ and Indo businesses
Challenges In Reconstruction Having enough local knowledge Having enough local knowledge Destruction of local governmrnt structures Destruction of local governmrnt structures Testing proposals is difficult Testing proposals is difficult Australia will not be in every sector Australia will not be in every sector Existing partnerships Existing partnerships
Technical Expertise Appropriate – – especially housing and sustainable livelihoods Practical – –can be implemented and sustained Cost Effective Responsive – –“fit” with priorities, culture and aspirations Partner driven – – national government and int. agencies
Information Australian Development Gateway Relief web