Test Taking Techniques –1 60-point case study (required) –2 40-point case studies (you chose one) –70 points are required to pass
Test Taking Techniques The Outline provided by the ICRM dictates the composition of the test. The Outline is the best study guide for the test. It can be found on the ICRM website at
Test Taking Techniques Practice Practice Practice! This is especially important if it has been a while since you took tests regularly Practice writing clear, concise essays Practice may not make you perfect, but it will definitely make you feel more comfortable and confident
Test Taking Techniques Pre-Test Preparation –Know where the test is being given –Know how to get there and how long it will take you – Arrive at least 15 minutes early! –Read your testing instructions so that there will be no surprises –Know what you need to bring to the test Watch or digital clock Water, Coffee or soft drinks (check with the testing site) A sweater or jacket
Test Taking Techniques Orientation at the testing site –Pick a seat and check: The lighting The chair The ventilation (no vent blowing on you) The computer is on and working –If that computer does not work, pick another and move to a different location –Know where the bathrooms and water fountains are
Test Taking Techniques Time Management is all important You have four hours to complete both questions Don’t spend all of your time on one question Do the 40 point question first, to get yourself in the writing mode Spend no more than 90 minutes on it Check your time frequently, it will go by faster than you can imagine
Test Taking Techniques The Directions are there for a purpose Always read and follow the directions Ask questions if you are unsure of something Even the simplest mistake can cause you to fail – like forgetting to put your test number on the test
Grading Remember, the tests will be graded by anonymous graders from an index of correct points provided by the ICRM The same person Will NOT grade both of your exams. Separate graders will do each case study.
Test Taking Techniques First things first –Read through and scan the entire test BEFORE you start answering the questions –This will give you an idea of the scope, complexity, difficulty and area of coverage. –Scanning the test will let you know what to expect and give you a better idea of how to pace yourself –Do an outline of points you want to make on scratch paper to help you put your thoughts in order before you start you essay
Test Taking Techniques Answer ONLY the question that is asked!!
Test Taking Techniques Last but not least –Allow the final 10 minutes to check your work –Be sure all questions are answered completely and cover the points requested in the question –Don’t try and second guess what they want! –Be sure your test number is right, complete and legible
Test Taking Techniques There is no substitute for good preparation. Find a MENTOR – in person or online Form a study group with other candidates in your chapter/area There are no shortcuts, but you can be successful if you really try
Test Taking Techniques If at first you don’t succeed, don’t be afraid to try again! It takes most candidates at least two tries to pass Part 6 There is no substitute for a good Mentor to help you on this part Contact the Mentor Chair on the web site