Building Healthy Communities Peggy Sourtzi City of Amaroussion “Working Residencies: Building Healthy Communities”
Reasons for the LAP › Selection of a downgraded urban unit of the city: Urban Unit 7 – ‘Working Residences’ Focus of LAP: Environmental Issues, Health Services Deliveries, Promotion of Quality of life in Urban Regeneration Strategies 1 st Action: Urban Green Spaces Upgrade and Maintenance (squares, parks) 2 nd Action: Lighting projects 3 rd Action: Sewerage Network of the Working Residences 4 th Action: Upgrade and Maintenance of existing Municipal Kindergartens and Playgrounds 5 th Action: Noise Measurements 6 th Action: Public Health & Solidarity 7 th Action: Upgrade and protect the Urban Unit’s stream
Foreseen Actions › Action 1: Urban Green Spaces Upgrade and Maintenance (squares, parks) - Projects for environmental rehabilitation and upgrading of public spaces- Tree planting. →This action is funded by the program “Saving” of the National Strategic Action Plan , the Community Support Framework, Municipal Resources and the Regional Operational Plan – Priority Axis 2 › Action 2: Lighting projects: Printed study on the existing situation. Replacement of the existing lamps by new ones friendly towards the environment – energy lamps. →This action is funded by Municipal Resources and the Regional Operational Plan – Priority Axis 3 › Action 5: Noise Measurements: One of the largest road arteries passes from this specific urban unit and we wish to minimize the noise. → Measurement mechanisms to be settled – In tender process for buying the respective instrument.
Implemented Actions › Action 3: Sewerage Network of the Working Residences : Study on the replacement of the sewerage network. This action is already implemented by Municipal Resources and is included in the Regional Operational Plan – Priority Axis 2 › Action 4: Upgrade and Maintenance of existing Municipal Kindergartens and Playgrounds: Renovation of the Municipal Kindergarten of the Working Residencies Urban Unit took place (Regional Operational Plan and Municipal Funding) › Action 6: Public Health&Solidarity: The “Help at Home” program is already implemented by the Municipal Health and Solidarity Organization at this urban unit, according to the Regional Operational Plan. › Action 7: Upgrade and protection the Urban Unit’s stream: The Municipality’s Technical Service has already implemented hydraulic and geological studies as well as topographical delineating of the stream. Action: included in the Municipal Operational Plan financed by National Resources and the Program Thiseas.
Contact details › (Municipality of Amaroussion) › (Greek Intermunicipality Health and Welfare Network) › - do/health-topics/environmental-health/urban- health / do/health-topics/environmental-health/urban- health / › - do/health-topics/environmental-health/urban- health/activities/healthy-cities/who-european- healthy-cities-network (Amaroussion: member of the World Health Organization: Healthy Cities Network) do/health-topics/environmental-health/urban- health/activities/healthy-cities/who-european- healthy-cities-network › (Quality Cities) › (Network of “Eurocities”)