Module 1.0 Introduction
Obj 1.3: What is environmental technology? u The application of technology and engineering principles to the –planning, –design, –construction, –and operation u of the following systems...
Obj 1.3: Systems? 4 Drinking water treatment & supply 4 Sewage treatment & disposal 4 Stormwater drainage & control 4 Solid & hazardous waste management 4 Air & noise pollution control 4 General community sanitation
Obj 1.4: Fundamental Objectives of E.T.? u Public Health Protection –to help prevent the transmission of disease among humans u Environmental Health Protection –to preserve the quality of water, land, air, vegetation, and wildlife
Obj 1.5: Technical Specialties within E.T.? 4 hydraulics 4 hydrology 4 municipal services : biology : chemistry : ecology : geology...
Obj 1.6: Pathogens? u there are many microscopic organisms in the environment: bacteria; protozoa; viruses. u those that are capable of transmitting diseases are called pathogenic organisms (i.e. E.coli, cryptosporidia) or... pathogens
Obj 1.7: Modes of Disease Transmission... pathogenshumans DIRECT TRANSMISSION physical contact sneezing droplet spray INDIRECT TRANSMISSION air-borne: dust, aerosol vehicle-borne: water, food vector-borne: insects, animals STOP