Index Introduction Introduction Your Your purpose of Attending this course What What you have studied mainly in environmental sciences and technology Which Which subjects are most useful to solve environmental problems in your country Your Your Action Plan Acknowledge Acknowledge
Introduction Six months have passed now and everyday we received important information about many topics, visited many facilities, learned about the most important techniques in chemical analysis, conducted many practices, and I can not say which are more important than other because all of them gave us at least small gifts to put in our countries. Six months have passed now and everyday we received important information about many topics, visited many facilities, learned about the most important techniques in chemical analysis, conducted many practices, and I can not say which are more important than other because all of them gave us at least small gifts to put in our countries. However the next presentation shows the main results obtained during this time with the only purpose of express grateful and assurance that all the information will be share with the people in charge of any issue in my country. However the next presentation shows the main results obtained during this time with the only purpose of express grateful and assurance that all the information will be share with the people in charge of any issue in my country.
1. Your Purpose of Attending this Course The main purpose was to improve my knowledge about Risk Assessment and Monitoring of Environmental Chemical Contaminants. The main purpose was to improve my knowledge about Risk Assessment and Monitoring of Environmental Chemical Contaminants. Academic growing, Cultural Interchange, Japanese language, the opportunity to put in my country the information received. Academic growing, Cultural Interchange, Japanese language, the opportunity to put in my country the information received. More specific purpose was the pesticides residue analysis in water from flower crops, because, nowadays, is one of the most important incomes in my country More specific purpose was the pesticides residue analysis in water from flower crops, because, nowadays, is one of the most important incomes in my country
This was the best opportunity to become one of my dreams in true……visit Japan and answer one of the most spread questions in the world……What is the secret of their success?. This was the best opportunity to become one of my dreams in true……visit Japan and answer one of the most spread questions in the world……What is the secret of their success?. This combinations of ideas plus the opportunity to improve my recently learning English language, made me decided to apply for the training course. This combinations of ideas plus the opportunity to improve my recently learning English language, made me decided to apply for the training course. 1. Your Purpose of Attending this Course
2. What you have studied mainly in Environmental Sciences and Technology Chotto Nijongo Chotto Nijongo Principles of Environmental Chemicals Principles of Environmental Chemicals Waste Treatment Plants and Sewage Treatment Plants Waste Treatment Plants and Sewage Treatment Plants Solid Waste Incinerator Solid Waste Incinerator Our weeks in HORIBA, HITACHI and SHIMADZU, I reinforce my knowledge in Principles of Analytical Instruments and we had the opportunity to know the latest models in the market right now for each company. Our weeks in HORIBA, HITACHI and SHIMADZU, I reinforce my knowledge in Principles of Analytical Instruments and we had the opportunity to know the latest models in the market right now for each company.
2. What you have studied mainly in Environmental Sciences and Technology Also our trip to the Hyogo Prefecture Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, give us a very important information about analysis of pesticide residues, analysis of biomass, analysis of agricultural water, rapid analysis of environmental chemicals in soil, nitrate in soil, heavy metals in soil, so on. And the most important thing was that the whole work was made by us, and for me this is a better way to learn. Also our trip to the Hyogo Prefecture Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, give us a very important information about analysis of pesticide residues, analysis of biomass, analysis of agricultural water, rapid analysis of environmental chemicals in soil, nitrate in soil, heavy metals in soil, so on. And the most important thing was that the whole work was made by us, and for me this is a better way to learn.
2. What you have studied mainly in Environmental Sciences and Technology In addition to all of this, we participated in several observation visits such as: In addition to all of this, we participated in several observation visits such as: Sumitomo Chemical Co. Environmental Health Science Laboratory Sumitomo Chemical Co. Environmental Health Science Laboratory Shinko Pantec Co. the Technical Research Center and a water treatment facility. Shinko Pantec Co. the Technical Research Center and a water treatment facility. Minatojima Clean Center in the Port Island Sewage Treatment Plant Minatojima Clean Center in the Port Island Sewage Treatment Plant Kobe Steel, Ltd. Kobe Steel, Ltd.
2. What you have studied mainly in Environmental Sciences and Technology Hyogo Prefectural Government Office with observation of Kobe Offshore Reclamation Disposal Site, Nishinomiya West Municipal Refuge Disposal Center, Air Pollution Monitoring System, Air Pollution Monitoring Station, Water Quality Measurement Station, Sumitomo Cement Co., Daiei Inter Nature System and Matsushita Eco Technology Center Co. Hyogo Prefectural Government Office with observation of Kobe Offshore Reclamation Disposal Site, Nishinomiya West Municipal Refuge Disposal Center, Air Pollution Monitoring System, Air Pollution Monitoring Station, Water Quality Measurement Station, Sumitomo Cement Co., Daiei Inter Nature System and Matsushita Eco Technology Center Co.
3. Which subjects are most useful to solve environmental problems in your country Every thing have applicability in my country and I will find the correct people to share the information and make a better Colombia, but the beginning for us will be the analysis of pesticides residues in water and soil for flower crops in Rionegro and Sabana de Bogota where we have the most important spots. Every thing have applicability in my country and I will find the correct people to share the information and make a better Colombia, but the beginning for us will be the analysis of pesticides residues in water and soil for flower crops in Rionegro and Sabana de Bogota where we have the most important spots. The Daiei Inter Nature System and Matsushita Eco Technology Center Co visits were an important example of how you can make recycling and friendship with the environment. The Daiei Inter Nature System and Matsushita Eco Technology Center Co visits were an important example of how you can make recycling and friendship with the environment.
3. Which subjects are most useful to solve environmental problems in your country The government throw some public universities with the support of some others institutions like our association, is developing the idea to begin a whole air monitoring system in the country (like already do it in the principal cities), especially for Suspended Particulate Matter, Noise Pollution, and some gases such as CO and CO 2, NOx and SO2 The government throw some public universities with the support of some others institutions like our association, is developing the idea to begin a whole air monitoring system in the country (like already do it in the principal cities), especially for Suspended Particulate Matter, Noise Pollution, and some gases such as CO and CO 2, NOx and SO2 Many other things such as the Incineration facilities, Sewage Treatment Plants, Disposal Centers, will be useful as well in the closer future. Many other things such as the Incineration facilities, Sewage Treatment Plants, Disposal Centers, will be useful as well in the closer future.
3. Which subjects are most useful to solve environmental problems in your country Other important thing that I have to share in my country is this: normally undeveloped countries like ours think developed countries like Japan have all the opportunities in their hands to conduct research, survey, assessment….something like they only need to ask and immediately the money, time, people, etc. will come to help, and is very easy for us answer that kind of things with a simple: “we don’t have money” (the most useful) or “we don’t have……”; but the real is, this is not true. Other important thing that I have to share in my country is this: normally undeveloped countries like ours think developed countries like Japan have all the opportunities in their hands to conduct research, survey, assessment….something like they only need to ask and immediately the money, time, people, etc. will come to help, and is very easy for us answer that kind of things with a simple: “we don’t have money” (the most useful) or “we don’t have……”; but the real is, this is not true. Many of the laboratories here are working with very low budget and are suppose that most of them will support by themselves in a closer future. But still they didn’t decide to close the laboratory or cancel some of the research; instead of they are performing new ones. Many of the laboratories here are working with very low budget and are suppose that most of them will support by themselves in a closer future. But still they didn’t decide to close the laboratory or cancel some of the research; instead of they are performing new ones. In some of them also they are making there own devices to sampling or improving the analysis equipments. This was a very important lesson that I learned here and will be very useful in my country for many people. In some of them also they are making there own devices to sampling or improving the analysis equipments. This was a very important lesson that I learned here and will be very useful in my country for many people.
4. Your Action Plan After my return, my company prepared a schedule of visit at any branch around the country to share the knowledge that I obtained here already. Also I have two hours in the most important event of Occupational Health and Safety, and Environmental Protection in my country who will be realize in the second week of this coming November. After my return, my company prepared a schedule of visit at any branch around the country to share the knowledge that I obtained here already. Also I have two hours in the most important event of Occupational Health and Safety, and Environmental Protection in my country who will be realize in the second week of this coming November. Also before I came, we prepared the investigation in residues of pesticides in wastewater from flowers crops in Rionegro Antioquia, the second most important part in Colombia with flowers crops, who is in standby right now waiting for my return. La Sabana de Bogota will be the next. Also before I came, we prepared the investigation in residues of pesticides in wastewater from flowers crops in Rionegro Antioquia, the second most important part in Colombia with flowers crops, who is in standby right now waiting for my return. La Sabana de Bogota will be the next.
4. Your Action Plan
4. Your Action Plan And we are developing the idea to make a kind of small tips monthly about environmental protection and recycling in our web page to share in whole the country. And we are developing the idea to make a kind of small tips monthly about environmental protection and recycling in our web page to share in whole the country. And in close future, our association wants to present a brief to the government with several solutions for recycling, especially paper, cans and plastic. And in close future, our association wants to present a brief to the government with several solutions for recycling, especially paper, cans and plastic. Most important, I will be a deliver to share all the information that I obtained here, with the people in charge with every aspect in my country, which of course will be very interesting. Most important, I will be a deliver to share all the information that I obtained here, with the people in charge with every aspect in my country, which of course will be very interesting.
Acknowledge I don’t have enough time to express my thanks to all the people here who kindly gave us the opportunity to improve our knowledge and of course became one of my big dreams in true….I think for all of us Japan is still a beautiful DREAM. A piece of Japan will be forever in my heart