Introduction Reading Scanning Using reference materials Outlining Summarizing Altering reading rate and focus as the purpose of reading changes Use of headings Note taking
Course information Reading Course plan Topic ( Christmas ) – Scanning Media Internet connection Website Time 45’ Learner 1 st grader Senior High
Technology Requirement Computers Pentium III 40 Gigabytes of hard disk 256 MB of RAM Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point ACDsee photo viewer. Word Processor e.g. Microsoft Word 97 above/Writer Organizer 2.0 etc. Internet Connection and the programs needed e.g. Internet explorer/Mozila Fire Fox. Websites
Activity Planned Time 45’ meeting 8 sessions Pre-teaching (greeting and brain storming) Teacher explanation Exercise Assessment
ASSESMENT Exercise Students o Browsing o Find one article from the website o Scanning for detailed information Students’ achievement o Looking for articles through internet connection o Assessing scanning skill o Summarizing important information from the article that they look for by themselves.